What is the National Policy Forum?

The National Policy Forum (NPF) plays a crucial role in the development of the Labour Party’s policy platform to support the new Labour Government and build towards the next General Election.
The NPF consists of around 200 representatives drawn from across the Labour movement and the country, who consult with the general public, members, affiliates, experts and stakeholders to hear their views on key policy areas.
Each year, the NPF produces an Annual Report to be debated and voted on at conference. Once approved, the contents of the report contribute to Labour’s policy platform.
The policy development cycle lasts five years, four years of which centre on the rolling NPF process. In the first three years of the cycle, the NPF produces an Annual Report, setting out conclusions and policy recommendations based on its work throughout the year, to be approved by Annual Conference.
The fourth year brings the work of the NPF together in a full, in-person meeting to agree the party’s policy platform in a final report of the NPF. This is then voted on at Annual Conference and, once approved, contributes to the policy platform out of which the manifesto is drawn ahead of the next General Election.
The final stage of the policy development process is the Clause V meeting, which decides and approves the party’s manifesto which is drawn from the work of the NPF.
The NPF consists of six policy commissions, each focused on a different area of policy within Labour. The individual policy commissions are co-convened by a member the National Executive Committee (NEC) and a Cabinet minister.
The six policy commissions for this NPF cycle are:
- Kickstart economic growth
- Make Britain a clean energy superpower
- Safer streets
- Break down barriers to opportunity
- Build an NHS fit for the future
- Britain reconnected
How to get involved
No matter how new you are to politics or how involved you are in the Party, you can contribute to the Party’s policymaking. All of us will have issues we particularly care about, and expertise and experience we can bring to the Party.
We want to hear from all those who drive our movement, people who are on the frontline of our services and people who have been personally affected by an issue. At this stage of the cycle, anyone can make a submission to one of the six policy commissions. Please send your submissions to [email protected].
These submissions will be considered ahead of the next consultation period.