Want to get involved? Here’s what you can do

Help us win

There are so many ways to volunteer ahead of the General Election on Thursday 4 July.

Right now, we need campaigners to help us win in target seats the country and deliver a Labour government.

Be part of our team.

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Keir Starmer and Labour supporters taking a selfie outside a house

Join Labour

Labour is made up of hundreds of thousands of members, coming together to get Britain’s future back.

By joining, you can get involved with your local party, campaign with us on the issues you care about and make sure your voice is heard.

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Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner stand laughing in front of a crowd holding red placards that say 'Change' on them

Fund the campaign

Your donation can make all the difference to the General Election result. They go towards campaign materials such as leaflets and social media adverts.

I want to donate
Keir Starmer hugging a woman in front of a celebrating crowd with vote Labour placards

Use our tools

We have a range of tools and materials for campaigners.

You can access training, find elections and legal guidance, and much more.

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Labour party campaigners with their clipboards

Read our manifesto

Labour will change Britain. We will match the ambition working people have for their family and community, with a credible long-term plan.

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Keir Starmer meeting a father and child

Hear from us

Sign up to receive email updates of Labour’s newest announcements, updates from Keir Starmer and campaigning information.

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Keir Starmer taking a selfie with Labour supporters

Labour's missions

“Our mission-driven government will restore pride and purpose in our country. On Thursday 4 July, we can make this a reality, together.

Keir Starmer Leader of the Labour Party
Keir Starmer with Labour campaigners

It's time to be part of change

Together, we can deliver a Labour government on Thursday 4 July.