An image of various buildings alongside a river.

Annual Conference 2024

Important: Every CLP and affiliated organisation is entitled to send delegates to Annual Conference. Delegate application packs will be sent directly to constituencies, trade unions and affiliates.

You must be elected by your organisation to attend conference as a delegate, so speak to a role holder in your constituency if you’re interested.

Each year, thousands of people attend Labour’s Annual Conference to make policy, attend some of the thousands of fringe events, and spend time with like-minded people.

CLP Delegate applications can be submitted via

Please see the relevant information below for CLP’s and CLP Delegates:

January 2024Delegate registration open
12 Noon Wednesday 31 July 2024Closing date for:

• Nominations for National Officers and to National Committees
• Constitutional Amendments
• CLP delegation applications
• Affiliate delegation applications
5pm, Thursday 12 September 2024Deadline for receipt of motions
12 noon, Friday 20 September 2024Deadline for emergency motions
Sunday 22 September to Wednesday 25 September 2024Annual Conference 2024

With this cycle of the NPF concluded and elections to the National Policy Forum taking place over the summer, a new NPF will take its place for Conference 2024 ready to commence the next cycle of the National Policy Forum.

The NEC has agreed that all issues pre-dating the General Election are not contemporary and therefore only motions referring to matters that have arisen after the 05 July 2024 will be ruled in order.

Contemporary Motions

With this cycle of the NPF concluded and elections to the National Policy Forum taking place over the summer, a new NPF will take its place for Conference 2024 ready to commence the next cycle of the National Policy Forum.

The NEC has agreed that all issues pre-dating the General Election are not contemporary and therefore only motions referring to matters that have arisen after the 05 July 2024 will be ruled in order.

This ruling also applies to National Annual Women’s Conference 2024.

If you are a CLP Secretary or Chair wishing to submit a contemporary motion behalf of your CLP please do so using the democracy portal. If you are still having issues please contact [email protected].

If you wish to submit a motion on behalf of your organisation please do this before 5pm, Thursday 12 September making sure that it meets the following criteria:

  • Must be an issue that has arisen after the Friday 5 July 2024
  • On one subject
  • No more than 250 words in length
  • Not considered by the CAC as ana organisational matter or constitutional amendment

Constitutional amendments (rule changes)

CLPs should note that the three year rule applies to constitutional amendments as follows:

When Party conference has made a decision on a constitutional amendment, no resolution to amend the constitution or rules of the Party having the same or a similar primary objective shall appear on the agenda of the three following annual party conferences, except such resolutions to amend the constitution and rules that are in the opinion of the NEC of immediate importance.

Rule Book: Chapter 3, Clause III, 2H

As per the rule change carried at Conference 2022, all constitutional amendments submitted to Conference 2024 will not be timetabled for debate until Conference 2025.

The deadline for submitting constitutional amendments is 12 noon on Wednesday 31 July 2024.

Each CLP, Trade Union and Socialist Society may make one submission to Annual Conference, either a constitutional amendment (rule change) or a motion. However, if your CLP wishes to withdraw its constitutional amendment after the deadline and submit a motion instead please contact [email protected]

The deadline for emergency motions is Friday 20 September at 12 noon.

The CAC will only consider Emergency motions for debate if they meet the following criteria:

  • deal with an issue which could not reasonably have been the subject of a motion, and
  • has arisen after the closing date for motions – Thursday 12 September, and
  • be a matter of urgent and immediate importance to the discussion by the whole Labour Party at Annual Conference.
  • are 250 words or less.
  • address one issue only.

The text must be submitted using the Democracy Portal by following the link below. Only the CLP Secretary or Chair can submit the emergency motion however, if there are any issues please contact [email protected].

CLPs and affiliates whose emergency motions do not meet the CAC’s criteria will be informed by email.

Appeals will be heard by the CAC in Liverpool during Conference. Appeals may be made in person, by conference call or in writing.

All documentation given to Conference delegates can be found here. Documentation will be added to this page throughout the coming weeks and months.