An image of various buildings alongside a river.


Annual National Women’s Conference 2024

Accessibility at National Women’s Conference 2024

The Labour Party is committed to ensuring National Women’s Conference is accessible to all visitors and delegates. Attendees who indicate accessibility requirements on their application form will be sent an accessibility questionnaire to complete in the run up to this event.

Entrances and exits to the Conference venue are fully accessible for those with mobility issues.

Accessibility Stewards will be stationed in the plenary hall during the hours National Women’s Conference is in session. Please note this is not a one-to-one service.

Anyone attending National Women’s Conference is welcome to bring their own enabler should they require this service. Anyone accompanying you must apply for a conference pass and we are happy to offer these passes free of charge. For more information please contact the Conference Team on 0345 092 3311 or [email protected]

Mobility aids will be provided by our partners free of charge during National Women’s Conference, including electric scooters, manual wheelchairs and electric wheelchairs. Mobility aids must be ordered in advance – please use the Accessibility Requirements section on your application form to let us know your requirements.

The plenary hall has an induction loop for the hard of hearing. There is also a speech-to-text service with the live subtitling displayed on the main screen. Sign language interpreters will be onstage during the plenary sessions providing a translation of the speeches.


The RNIB provide a transcription service for those that require Braille documents or recorded versions of conference documents prior to the event. Please use the Accessibility Requirements section on your application form to let us know your requirements.

For visitors with a guide dog there is a dog exercise area located close to the Conference venue.

For more information about accessibility provision at National Women’s Conference, please contact the Conference Team on 0345 092 3311 or [email protected]