How to help Labour on polling day for the 2024 General Election

Want to know how you can help Labour in the General Election?

If you have any time to spare at all, helping Labour on polling day is the most important thing you can do to be part of change on Thursday 4 July.

Your help is absolutely vital, and could be the difference between Labour winning and losing in marginal seats up and down the country.

Spending time on election day knocking on doors and speaking to voters, to remind them that polls are open, is absolutely integral to delivering a Labour victory.

Find an event near you

Sign up to campaign for Labour on polling day

Change – be part of it

I’ll help on polling day
Labour Party volunteers canvassing

The Labour polling day tool will help you find a seat near you where your help is most needed, and where you can make the biggest difference.

Change – be part of it.