Internal Ballot Candidate Statements 2024

Statements of members who wish to stand in the election for this years Internal Ballots.

For clarity, being listed below is NOT a requirement of being nominated and your CLP is free to nominated anyone who meets the eligibility criteria.

Statements must be received by the Party by the deadline of 12 noon, Friday 22 March 2024 to be published on the site. Any statements received after this will not be published.

This page will be updated periodically.

National Exectutive Committee

Jess Barnard

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I joined Labour at age 17 because I saw the damage a Tory government was inflicting on working class communities like mine and the desperate need for a socialist alternative. That’s why I’ve always worked tirelessly to tackle injustice, poverty and discrimination, whether as a Workplace Rep, Councillor, Parliamentary Candidate or Youth Worker.

We need a Labour government which tackles inequality head on, with a bold manifesto committed to funding and renationalising public services, addressing the housing emergency, delivering climate justice and putting human rights at the heart of international policy.

My record:
– A trade unionist and striking worker, supporting a new deal for working people and reversing Tory anti-union legislation.
– Supporting member democracy and transparency, opposed selection stitch-ups and equalities conference shutdowns on the NEC and NPF.
– Providing regular in person and digital report backs, always accountable to our membership.
– An outspoken voice for justice, transformative policies and calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.
– Standing for LGBTQ+ rights, disability justice and challenging the party to implement the Forde report, to tackle all forms of racism without delay.

I’m proud to be supported by the Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance and Momentum. Please Also support G.Bolton, Y.Dar and M.Rahman.

Calvin Bissitt

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

Labour is on the cusp of forming the next Government. We are so close, and yet still remain plagued by the same issues we faced five to ten years ago.

Members are unable to renew or update information. Calling in to report an issue or flag problems is impossible, and we have clear, evident issues with our selection timetables and processes. We need a serious change, not just a change in which faction sits in the NEC, but a meaningful change in how we run the party.

We have briefings being run against elected Labour officials, communication issues between our ruling body and members, and now we have a real need to settle on a plan and processes for the party’s inner workings.

We need a fresh pair of eyes, and real change starting from the NEC.

I will work to ensure smooth systems, to make sure that our members can renew with ease, and that no one who puts themselves forward as a candidate finds out from twitter. I’ve spent the best part of my last year doing that with our Trades Council, and I want to ensure that the Labour Party is ready for government.

Ann Black

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I’m asking you to nominate me for a further two years on the NEC as a principled, independent and accountable voice for members. I served from 2000 to 2018 and from 2020, and after ten years in government and twelve in opposition I know that government is always better. The first priority is the general election, and those who put faction before country will not be forgiven by those who most need Labour to succeed. The leader has chosen his team and his strategy, and any differences must be settled privately. Unity is paramount.

If we win, Labour will have to rebuild after 14 years of austerity and chaos, against the grim background of war in Ukraine and the Middle East. I support the national policy forum’s ambitious programme, including employment rights, building homes and protecting tenants, reducing child poverty, saving the NHS and tackling climate change.

I have consistently argued for fairer allocation of membership subscriptions, improved IT systems, better communication with volunteers, an empowering women’s organisation and integrity in selections, complaints and disciplinary processes, and will return to these after the election. Please check my record at, mail me at [email protected], and trust me with your vote.

Email: [email protected], Website:, X: @AnnBlackLabour

Gemma Bolton

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I’m standing for a third term on Labour’s NEC because I believe that we need a transformational Labour government and democratic party where members are respected and valued at every level.

At the general election, Labour must propose transformative, bold and popular policies that stand in opposition to the Tories. We must oppose austerity during an unprecedented cost of living crisis; repeal Tory anti-trade union legislation; support public ownership; campaign for a radical Green Prosperity Plan; fight rising poverty and racism and adopt a peace-oriented, independent foreign policy – which includes calling for an immediate, permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

During over five years on the NEC, I’ve seen that we’re strongest as a party when members feel empowered and engaged. That’s why local parties should always select their parliamentary candidate.

In addition to serving two terms on Labour’s NEC, I’ve also been a parliamentary candidate; served on the Women’s Conference Arrangements Committee; as CLP Equalities and Youth Officer; as Co-Chair of the Campaign for Labour Party Democracy (CLPD) and on the South East Regional Executive Committee since aged 18.

I’m proudly endorsed by the Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance, including Momentum and CLPD. Please also vote: Jess Barnard, Yasmine Dar and Mish Rahman.

Yasmine Dar

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I’m standing for re-election to the NEC, to continue as a strong voice advocating for members, the lifeblood of our Party.

Throughout my tenure, I’ve championed transformative economic policies and a foreign policy rooted in internationalism, seeking peace, justice, and human rights.

I actively promote Party democracy, including dynamic, inclusive equalities structures, implementation of the Forde report and a strong trade union link. I’ve tirelessly advocated for transparent and fair disciplinary processes founded on natural justice.

Empowering members is a focal point of my efforts, including advocating for their right to select preferred candidates. As a BAME woman, social worker, anti-racist activist, and Councillor, my experiences fuel my determination to fight for a Labour government that transforms society. A crucial general election is on the horizon, and victory is imperative.

In the face of escalating living costs, heightened inequalities, and the ongoing impacts of Covid, our campaign against this government must intensify. I endorse vital campaigns to defend our NHS, for urgent action on climate change. I maintain a strong commitment to anti-war and anti-racist activism.

Please also nominate Jess Barnard, Gemma Bolton and Mish Rahman. Together, we can build a more just and equitable future for our nation.

Adam Davies

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I was born and raised in South Wales in the 80’s and experienced the worst of the Tories first hand. I saw the effect of their policies on our communities, our industries and our people, and this drives me to do everything I can to fight them, and to build a better, fairer society for all of us.
I moved to London and now live in Surrey. I’ve been active in my local Party for 12 years, and Secretary for the last six.
I’ve learnt how we can win. My MP is Jeremy Hunt, but even here I’ve helped get Labour elected, and to kick the Tories out.
We need Labour representation everywhere, only we can be the voice our workers and our communities need.
I want to help CLPs win more seats at all levels. I’ve been part of doing it in Surrey, and if we can do it here, it can be done anywhere
We’re going to win the next election, lets use that as our springboard to strong Labour voices in your communities, and help me be your voice on the NEC.
Please support Ann Black and Nick Palmer as well, to champion constructive non-factional Labour ideals.

Angie Davies

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I believe passionately in our party values – equality, community, tolerance, solidarity and a socially just society. I want to continue putting my Labour values into action and serve people in our communities as well as our party.
For the last 30 years, I am proud to have worked in the substance misuse and mental health field in our precious NHS. I am passionate about tackling inequality in all its forms.
As a councillor on Wirral Borough Council and as Deputy Leader of the Labour Group, I understand the challenges our communities and public services face. I really enjoy being a community champion, avid campaigner and activist, and have the experience, energy, knowledge and skills that are required to serve on the National Executive Committee.
I am on the North West Regional Executive Committee, as well as CLP Treasurer, and Campaign Coordinator for our Borough Campaign Group. I also serve as a school governor, and as a board member for our local Youth Zone and a men’s mental health charity.
I am a member of Managers in Partnership (part of UNISON) and Christians on the Left.
Please also nominate Akehurst, Baxter, Duale, Prashar, Singh Josan, Thomas & Wimbury.

Abdi Duale

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

In 2022, I became the first black man elected to our NEC, and since then I have put the voices of CLPs and members at the forefront of the NEC. As well as focusing all of our efforts to unite our party to win the General Election and elect Keir Starmer as our next Prime Minister.
This year, our country is at a crossroads, with the possibility of a Labour Government the nearest it’s been in 14 years. We have made significant progress to change our party, so we can, in turn, win power and change our country. Now is not the time to undo that work and that’s why I am seeking your support to re-elect me to our party’s National Executive Committee.
As a former organiser in battleground seats, I have a track record of running successful campaigns. During my time on the NEC, I have used my experience to ensure no stone remains unturned in the pursuit of winning the General Election.
I am a member of the Fabian Society, Co-op Party, and a member of GMB Union’s London Regional Committee.
Supported by Labour To Win. Please also support Akehurst, Baxter, Davies, Josan, Prashar, Thomas and Wimbury.

Amanat Gul

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

My name is Amanat Gul and humbly extend my request for your valued support in upcoming NEC membership election 2024. I am standing to be your candidate for the Labour NEC, I like to raise an effective voice for the ordinary members who want Labour in power.

David Littlefair

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

Dear Members,

I want to make Labour:

– More working class
– Less concentrated in cities
– An institution that is in touch with Leave voters

Thanks for considering me again as an independent, non-slate affiliated candidate for the NEC.

In 2019 I set up Labour Beyond Cities – trying to address Labour’s bias toward liberal metropolitan professionals by moving resources to our red wall swing seats.

In 2023 I started a campaign in Labour to ensure Labour picks working class and blue collar workers to be MPs. Currently only 8 of our PPC selections come from a background in blue collar work. We are becoming the ‘On-behalf of Labour party’, and I think that’s wrong.

You can see the 2023 Conference panel I ran, ‘Breaking Labour’s Class Ceiling’ here:

If you’d like a non-factional NEC member who:

* Will work to ensure Labour is a place where working class people can become MPs

* Who thinks regional inequality is the biggest indicator of life outcomes in the country

* Thinks Labour needs to be a party of big utilitarian change rather than niche identity politics issues

* Sticks up for towns and coastal regions and the people who live in them- give me your vote!

Join my mailout here:
Argue with me on twitter here:

Jacob Olaniya

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I am pleased for this opportunity that has been given to me to apply and represent our team Labour Party. However, this would give me the better ability and chances to provides the excellent services for the people of our communities of our Great Britain. I would have a great opportunities to provide helps and support our members and leaders of our team. This would be a better position to help our Labour Party to win and secure the no10.

Nick Palmer

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I’ve been a Party member all my adult life, and served as MP for Broxtowe (Notts) from 1997-2010, the only Labour MP the constituency has ever had. I was CLP chair in SW Surrey and am currently chair of Didcot and Wantage CLP, where we are also working to elect the first Labour MP. I don’t believe in factionalism and have served each Labour leadership loyally, while reserving the right to speak out on individual policies.
We need reasonable, fully-funded policies to win power. We must also take the opportunity of power to achieve lasting improvements to our society and the world around us. We need a clear sense of direction, with priority given to:
* reducing NHS waiting lists
* funding our schools adequately
* facilitating genuinely affordable housing
* addressing poverty: food banks should not be needed in today’s Britain.
* returning to the 0.7% target for international aid by the end of the next Parliament.
I grew up in Denmark, where decades of social democracy have led to a healthy, thriving society. I want to help achieve the same in our country.
Please support Ann Black and Adam Davies as well, to champion constructive non-factional Labour ideals.

Neeraj Patil

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I support proportional representation and fair Parliamentary selections. I don’t represent any of the “blocs,” I’m proud to call myself an independent grassroots Labour activist who believes in empowering our CLPs and membership.

I am an active member and campaigner of the Labour Party for 20 years. I have served as Lambeth Councillor for eight years and was Mayor of Lambeth from 2010 to 2011. As a Parliamentary candidate in 2017, I reduced the Conservative majority from 10180 to 1554, achieving a 10.8 % swing.

I believe in zero tolerance towards Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, anti-Hinduism, and racial discrimination.

I’m an A&E doctor who served the NHS for 30 years. I have worked on the frontlines during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please support me in contributing my political and medical experience to get our NHS back on its feet.

I’m standing for the NEC because I want a united Labour Party to win the next General elections, address the cost-of-living crisis, create green jobs, rebuild our economy, revive our NHS, and invest in our schools and local government to empower our communities.

I recommend nominating independent grassroots Labour Party members to the NEC.

DR. Neeraj Patil
Consultant in A&E
Former Mayor of Lambeth

Anu Prashar

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I’m Anu Prashar, equality campaigner, trade unionist and hardworking Labour activist. We’ve changed our party and I will make sure that change continues.

But our mission isn’t just about winning elections, it’s about reshaping our country for the better. I’ll keep our focus razor-sharp on creating green jobs and rebuilding public services.

Growing up on a council estate in an immigrant family, my dad, a ‘postie’ and my mum, a factory worker, I saw how Labour in power can transform lives.

As CLP Chair and LCF Secretary, I’m committed to providing the right local support so every member can contribute to our mission.

From day one in my first job I joined the union, and I’ve fought tooth and nail for workers rights as a vocal activist in UNISON. I will protect the trade union link, the backbone of our movement.

I’m BAME officer of LGBT+ Labour and Chair of UNISON’s regional LGBT+ committee. As an Asian lesbian I’ve spent my life battling for equality and I will bring the same determination to rooting out discrimination in our party and creating opportunity for all.

Please also consider voting for Akehurst, Baxter, Davies, Duale, Singh Josan, Thomas and Wimbury.

Mish Rahman

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

As a working-class man of Bangladeshi heritage, whose father campaigned against the National Front, I am a committed anti-racist bringing my commitments to equality and justice onto the NEC since I was first elected in 2020. I have:

Opposed the selection stitch-ups and crackdowns on democracy and due process that have become common in our Party

Pressured the leadership to fully implement the Forde Report

Opposed all discrimination including Islamophobia, anti-semitism, homophobia, sexism, and transphobia without fear or favour.

Spoken out against the indiscriminate killing of innocents in the Israel-Palestine conflict and founded the Labour For a Ceasefire Now campaign.

Regularly reported back via online calls, articles and social media

Worked collaboratively to introduce new equalities structures, including a BAME Members’ Structure which the leadership ditched.

With a General Election looming, I will work to deliver an election-winning Party which will change the lives of millions for the better.

That means supporting popular policies like a Green New Deal, public ownership, repealing anti-trade union laws, advancing migrants’ rights, defending human rights across the world and internationalist solidarity.

I am proud to be supported by the Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance and Momentum. Please also support Jess Barnard, Gemma Bolton, and Yasmine Dar.

Onkar Sahota

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

Being child of an immigrant family, I passionately believe in aspirational politics, where every generation does better than their parents. I’ve benefited from and believe in Labour values, that’s why I joined the Labour Party even before I joined the medical school.
I have always fought against injustices, inequalities, discrimination and lack of equality in opportunity. My experience includes:
● 35 years as NHS GP
● Labour London Assembly Member (2012-2024)
● 9 Years as Chair of Assembly Health Committee and former Assembly Chair
● Member GMB, Unite and Co-operative Party
● Former CLP Chair, Local Magistrate and School Governor
Through my NHS experience and political background, I offer a unique perspective to serve our party and future Labour Government which will have to rebuild the NHS.
I will campaign to get a Labour Government elected and through the work of the NEC ensure that it delivers the change the country needs.
The NEC should ensure our Leadership is in touch with the aspirations of the members, that party governance meets the highest standards and holds itself to scrutiny. I champion unity and will give voice to grassroot members and CLPs who are the backbone of the Labour Party.

Kaz Self

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I joined the Labour Party in 1988 at the peak of Thatcherism, when attacks on worker’s rights and civil liberties were commonplace. I never thought I would see a worse Tory Government, but here we are in 2024 and the right-wing extremists are in charge. The folly of Tory Party politics is now laid bare before us, with a dentistry crisis, a housing crisis, a cost-of-living crisis and NHS waiting lists at record levels.

My Labour Party is one that is inclusive, diverse and representative of our society. I have no time for those who are just here to create division, those who are driven by the purity of their politics. Labour needs to be pluralistic and the NEC needs to reflect that. I believe Labour has moved in the right direction to become electable, but it is too far detached from its working class roots.

I am the CLP secretary for Bristol North West. In this constituency we know how to win, we did it in 2017 and again in 2019. I am also running as a Bristol councillor candidate in May. I am a member of Open Labour and a proud trans woman.

Jane Thomas

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

This is a general election year and a chance to finally end 14 disastrous years of Tory government. We simply can’t afford any more of this, certainly not my children, my friends and my community.

It’s why I’ve been out on the doorstep day in, day out in Sheffield and across the UK and will continue to do so throughout this year and the next. It’s why I’m a member of Yorkshire and Humber regional Board. Why I’m delighted to be Co Director of Labour to Win. Why I led the successful selection and election of Labour’s first mayor in South Yorkshire.

I was formerly Head of the England Team at Friends of the Earth. I remain committed to the green agenda, to devolution and to closer ties with Europe.

We need to focus. This is not the time to be riven with internal battles. The next few years won’t be easy. It’s vital we focus on the main prize of a second [and third] term; winning in our devolved nations; having Labour mayors in place; and crucially – strong Labour councils up and down the country.

Please also nominate Akehurst, Baxter, Davies, Duale, Prashar, Josan, Wimbury

Mary Wimbury

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

Labour’s focus must be on getting into Government to tackle the cost of living crisis and climate change, alongside rebuilding public services.We also need NEC reps who will constructively challenge on behalf of ordinary members.

To win power in Westminster we need to take back and hold the rural and coastal seats and small towns we held 20 years ago. Such areas are under-represented at Labour’s top table. I’m a Constituency Secretary in North Wales but joined the party as a teenager in Kent and have been an officer and an activist in Yorkshire and London. I understand how the party works – warts and all. I’m a former parliamentary candidate, General Election Agent, Local Campaign Committee Chair, CLP Chair and Women’s Officer. I’m on the NEC of our sister party, the Co-op Party, trustee of a national education charity and my day job is running a social care organisation. I’m a member of Community Union and the GMB. I know what’s needed for good governance and if elected I’d uphold high standards, be accessible to members and report back regularly.

Contact: [email protected] or 07958 521344
Please also support Akehurst, Baxter, Davies, Duale, Prashar, Singh Josan and Thomas

John Wiseman

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

As a Labour activist for over 25 years, I have held the positions of CLP Chair, Secretary, Vice-Chair One and Two, TULO and manfgurindery others. As a local councillor for over six years, I was able to take part in the scruitiny process as well as represent my community as a local Governor of three schools. As a chair of scruitiny as well as the Labour group for my council and Liverpool City Region Transport Committee, I was seen as a leader, facilitating policy discussions. As an active member of Unite’s National Political Committee, I believe trade unions must be at the centre of policy making in the party. Also as a former member of the National Policy Forum, I have contributed to policy ahead of general elections. As a regional executive/board member of the party in the North West for many years i have dealt with the positives and negatives of democracy i. Overall I feel we need representatives that listen and deliver for their members. I promise to communicate on regular basis encourage more diversity in representation in all levels in our party and overall be accountable. Be wise, nominate and vote for John Wiseman.

Sidi El Barnaoui

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

The Labour Party is the party of Britain, with our promises, Britain will be a better to live. However, it also needs the right people. And perhaps it’s even more important to attract the right youth. That’s why I’m putting myself forward to be the NEC Youth Representative. I believe I have what it takes and what is wanted in a young individual to fulfill this role.

Elsie Greenwood

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I am standing to be re-elected as your youth representative on a strong record and with a plan for the term ahead.
My record:
– I have been accessible and accordingly always advocate in the interest of young members.
– At the NPF I submitted motions on climate change, housing, LGBT+ rights and voter-ID.
– I supported changes to make our party outward facing and ready for government.
– I worked with trade unions, ensuring the voices of young trade unionists were heard
– I repeatedly raised issues of sexual harassment and the need to safeguard young members.
– I am a campaigner. I am not afraid to do the hard work. I attended numerous by-elections and regularly go out doorknocking
My plan:
This is simple – continue building a party fit for power. Ensure our party is ready to fight and win the next election.
I will continue to advocate for young members and if we are lucky enough to form the next government, I will ensure we have young people’s interests at the heart of all we do.
Nominate, and vote for Elsie Greenwood for a reliable and driven campaigner on Labour’s NEC

Henry Kicinski-Mason

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

Oliver Kurt

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I believd that I am a sting contender to be a youth representative for the NEC. I am 16 years of age and currently study government and politics, philosophy, and history and would like to pursue a career in politics standing with the labour party in which I have been a member of for six months. I am also currently completing work experience at my local council and shadowing a labour councillor there.

India Rees

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

Young people need a Labour government. With that prospect in reach, here’s where I stand:

– As a teacher, I know first-hand that we need an education system that is free and accessible from cradle to grave.
– As a young worker and trade union representative in Young Labour, I am committed to working with the labour movement to organise young members.
– I have worked on campaigns centring women’s safety at local and national levels as part of the Misogyny is Hate campaign.
– I know every door counts. We need our youth structures to be fully geared towards winning the general election.
– Our Party must do better on trans rights, something for which I will fearlessly advocate.

I’ll fight for policies young people care about:

– Affordable and accessible housing, including support for renters and transport costs.
– Labour’s commitment to introduce the New Deal for Working People within 100 days of government, delivering the biggest upgrade in individual and collective employment rights in generations.
– Stamping out the shameful racism that exists inside and outside of our Party.
– A foreign policy guided by peace and international law – including a full and immediate ceasefire in Gaza, and a recognition of the State of Palestine.

Leighton Sealeaf

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

Siddhanth Sharma

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

My name is Siddhanth Sharma and I am a postgraduate alumnus from the University of Birmingham. I graduated in September 2023. I have achieved a MSc in Management.
I genuinely want to make a difference by giving back to society and work for social causes. When I was 17 years old, I achieved a certificate signed by the Prime Minister for a campaign I led based on Autism. I have worked as an active listener for 7 Cups to listen to people’s problems and I found many people suffer from depression, anxiety, homelessness and family issues. I have gone around my town talking and giving food and water to the homeless. I have worked as Regional Director for an American non-profit organisation called The Borgen Project which is trying to eradicate global poverty. I want to be your NEC Youth Representative as I understand what this position requires. I’ve been a Labour Party member since 2018 and I’ve participated in many activities. Personally, the only gain I do have is to be part of something that helps improve the Labour Party and people’s lives to win more elections, which gives me great satisfaction.


Michael Adaarewa

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I am currently BAME officer for Gloucester and it will be a great opportunity for me to expand my knowledge and political experience as a member of the Labour Party. With the right support, with my desire to learn and my willingness to serve the Party I think I will be suitable for this post. The Party needs lovers of wisdom people who are willing to learn and contribute educationally to the principles and philosophy of the party, in a scientific manner.


Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I am, the BAME officer of Milton Keynes Central Labour Party, seeking nomination for BAME representative within the NEC. I stand on the principles of equality, justice, and empowerment for all. My candidacy is fueled by a profound commitment to addressing the unique challenges faced by Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic communities. I recognise the systemic injustices that persist in our country specially under the 14-year Tory government, and pledge to be an advocate for change within our party and society at large.
Drawing from my personal experiences and the voices of those I represent, I aim to bring an understanding of the issues affecting BAME individuals to our party’s agenda. From tackling racial inequality in education, employment, healthcare, and housing, I will champion policies that promote inclusivity and opportunity for every member of our diverse society.
I am dedicated to fostering dialogue and collaboration within the Party to ensure that the voices of BAME members are not only heard but actively incorporated into decision-making processes. Together, let us work towards building a party that reflects the true diversity of our great country and stands as a beacon of progress and solidarity for generations to come.

Christopher Knight

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I am writing to express my interest in the position of BAME Officer. I firmly believe that I have the necessary skills and experiences to contribute effectively to this role. I am a union activist and sit on the TUC National Executive Council as the BAME representative.
With a strong background in diversity and inclusion initiatives, I have developed a deep understanding of the challenges faced by BAME individuals in various settings. My experience as a prison officer has allowed me to engage with individuals from diverse backgrounds and advocate for their rights and needs.
Furthermore, I possess excellent communication and organizational skills, which are essential for the role of a BAME Officer. I am confident in my ability to effectively represent the interests and concerns of the BAME community and to create an inclusive and supportive environment for all, giving everyone the opportunity to have their voice heard.
I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to support and empower the BAME community, and I believe that my passion, dedication, and professional approach would make me a valuable asset to the role of BAME Officer.
Thank you for considering me for the position and I look forward to meeting you.

Neeraj Patil

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I’m standing to be your NEC BAME representative to connect our Party to the BAME community and aim to increase BAME representation in our Local councils and Parliament.

I support proportional representation and fair Parliamentary selections. I don’t represent any of the “blocs,” I’m proud to call myself an independent grassroots Labour activist who served on the National Executive of BAME Labour for 10yrs

I have been an active member and campaigner of the Labour Party for 20 years. I served as Lambeth Councillor for eight years and was Mayor of Lambeth from 2010 to 2011. As a Parliamentary candidate in 2017, I reduced the Conservative majority from 10180 to 1554, achieving 10.8 % swing.

I’m an A&E doctor who served the NHS for 30 years. I served on the frontlines during the COVID-19 pandemic and have seen how it affected our BAME communities disproportionately.

I believe in zero tolerance towards Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, anti-Hinduism, and racial discrimination.

I want our Party to win and address the cost-of-living crisis, create green jobs, rebuild our economy, revive our NHS, and invest in our schools and local government to empower our BAME communities.

DR. Neeraj Patil
Consultant in A&E
Former Mayor of Lambeth

Zafran Pervez

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

As a British South Asian student at the university of Leeds, I want to represent my community and others like me in this role. I want to be a voice for all ethnic minority communities by bringing their concerns to light. For too long I have experienced the symptoms of race consciousness and feeling as through I don’t belong or deserve the things that I have achieved, which is why I want to be a living example to especially younger people in minority communities to tell them that they are able to chase their dreams and aspirations and to never give up. Growing up, Barack Obama has been a role model for me because he looks like so many of us, and in turn I want to be that role model for so many young people who feel unrepresented.

Carol Sewell

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

For the past four years, I’ve been proud to represent Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Members on our NEC. I’m standing to be your voice once again.

I’m proud that as your representative on the NEC:

• I’ve fought for – and won – changes to our party’s positions through the National Policy Forum, including on implementing the Windrush Lessons Learned Review, stopping the misuse of “stop and search” and ensuring the next Labour government will introduce changes that drive up BAME representation in Parliament.
• I’ve secured new codes of conduct on Afrophobia and Anti-Black Racism and Islamophobia.
• I worked to reintroduce the Bernie Grant Leadership Programme.
If re-elected, I will fight for:

• Greater representation in Parliament, following through on our commitment to changing the law to allow All Black Shortlists – making sure our party reflects the diversity of our party and the communities we seek to serve. We must ensure greater representation for those – like Black men – who are far too often under-represented in our party.
• More Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic voices in Local Government – especially at a senior level.
Re-elect Carol Sewell – I will continue to fight your corner on our NEC.

Siddhanth Sharma

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

My name is Siddhanth Sharma and I am a postgraduate alumnus from the University of Birmingham. I graduated in September 2023. I have achieved a MSc in Management.
I genuinely want to make a difference by giving back to society and work for social causes. When I was 17 years old, I achieved a certificate signed by the Prime Minister for a campaign I led based on Autism. I have worked as an active listener for 7 Cups to listen to people’s problems and I found many people suffer from depression, anxiety, homelessness and family issues. I have gone around my town talking and giving food and water to the homeless. I have worked as Regional Director for an American non-profit organisation called The Borgen Project which is trying to eradicate global poverty. I want to be your NEC BAME Representative as I understand what this position requires. I’ve been a Labour Party member since 2018 and I’ve participated in many activities. Personally, the only gain I do have is to be part of something that helps improve the Labour Party and people’s lives to win more elections, which gives me great satisfaction.

Ellen Morrison

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I’m proud to be serving my second term as the first-ever Disabled Members Representative.

Re-elect me, and I’ll keep fighting for those issues both outside and within our party – working with trade unions and the Disabled people’s movement to win full, clear commitments from our Shadow Cabinet on the issues that most affect disabled people.

Like many disabled members, I also haven’t forgotten what we were promised in the Democracy Review.

I won’t stop pushing for a national disabled members’ committee, elected by one member, one vote.

I also want to ensure remote access to meetings remains, and is extended with provision for hybrid meetings at CLP level.

Finally, I’ll do everything I can to ensure disabled people are elected to positions within our party. We must make more progress on seeing disabled people from a wide range of impairment groups become our next generation of MPs, councillors and devolved leaders.

I have always stood for bringing the Disabled People’s movement into Labour.

Re-elect me so I can continue my work defending the interests of both disabled members and disabled people more broadly, and to work with you to win the change we need to see.

Leighton Sealeaf

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Candidate Statement

Andrew White

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Candidate Statement

Mike Payne

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Candidate Statement


It was a huge honour to have been elected as your Party Treasurer in 2022, and as I reach the end of my first term, I ask for your continued support, and for your CLPs nomination.

As the General Election, gets closer, I remain committed to ensuring that the Party is financially resilient and sustainable, whilst also providing CLPs with the resources needed to win. More organisers, training for candidates & activists, and strong finances will help make us General Election Ready.

As a lifelong Trade Unionist, I have dedicated my whole career to serving this great Movement, as a Senior GMB Officer, Chair of the affiliated Unions in Wales, as a Councillor, & as Chair of the Welsh Executive Committee.

I understand the importance of providing a strong voice for our membership, at the highest level within our Party.

I have always fought for the values that the Trade Union & Labour Movement holds dear, Equality, Fairness, Social Justice, and an end to discrimination, and War.

If elected I will continue to give voice to the genuine concerns of members within our great Party.

Please support me as your Labour Party Treasurer.

Yours in Comradeship & Solidarity

Soraya Adejare

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

Having grown up in poverty amid austerity and far-right politics, the opportunities afforded me were minimal. I don’t want this replicated for anyone and throughout my 9 years as a councillor in Hackney, I’ve worked tirelessly for the betterment of all. As an NEC representative I will continue to do so, also fighting for Labour to enable councils to build social housing on the scale needed for our communities.

I will be strident in making calls for our incoming Labour Government to increase local government funding to ensure we can readily meet statutory obligations and restore services.

I have been consistent in calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. I believe that Labour councillors do have a responsibility to our residents to strive for peace and that’s why I support the right of councils to take principled decisions when supporting campaigns for peace.

I’m a single parent and supporter of the Single Parent Rights campaign. I brought it to Council and called for status recognition within the Equalities Act. As a current scrutiny chair, I’ve also worked collaboratively on our ongoing response to the Child Q case, our greening agenda and housing provision.

Matt Collins

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Candidate Statement

I am honoured to represent the village of Bishop’s Tachbrook in Labour’s newly won administration of Warwick District. It has been a hard journey of campaigning, canvassing, and leafleting, but Labour now stands as the largest party of local government!

In Warwick, local Conservatives have failed us on social care, education, policing, town planning, transport, roads; every basic function of local government that is required to allow our residents to live good lives. These problems are echoed across our country, and I want to make sure that our national strategy serves as a robust plan for how we will fix them and fix them well.

Local government has the greatest ability to directly impact the lives of people across the country. It is so important that we get this right and show that we are Britain’s future. We can lead locally, but we need to have a strong voice in the NEC to make sure that our national strategy allows us to improve the lives of residents across the country.

We must keep up our enthusiasm for positive change and I hope that you will consider me as your representative to bring energy to the National Executive Committee.

Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg

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Candidate Statement

I’m standing to represent local government and be a powerful advocate for councillors in all authorities on the NEC.

As Leader of North Herts District Council I’ve fought against Tory cuts to our budgets, finding innovative solutions to support our communities and continue providing the vital services that enrich their lives. I champion districts as Finance Lead for the District Councils’ Network and have built positive links with Treasury and DLUHC civil servants, delivering an additional 1% to the funding formula this year and securing help for councils struggling with Internal Drainage Board levies.

As your NEC representative for local government I’ll stand up for localism within our party. Councils are the form of government closest to people. As the largest party in local government we show people what Labour in power delivers. I will make sure we are heard and listened to. As Labour prepares for government we must shape a truly local approach to devolution which gives local people the power to deliver change for their communities. Taking back control means bringing power closer to communities, not sucking it up to the centre. I will stand up for councils and be the voice we need.

Claire Holland

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Candidate Statement

As councillors, we have been the last line of defence for our communities through dark and challenging years. Now, we are leaders in rebuilding them as powerful, resilient communities, across the country.

After 14 years of Conservative decline, our Labour government has a huge task to get the country back on its feet, restore trust, and have people believing in their futures again.

During the general election and locals of 2023 and 2024, as I campaigned in towns, cities and villages across the country, it was heartening to witness that hope returning.

And as we rebuild, councillors must have a place at the table, bringing our experience of managing crisis after crisis. We are on the front line of our communities, delivering for and alongside them.

As a life-long labour activist and trade unionist, I stood for my local council to secure free access to sports facilities for young people. 10 years on, I have the privilege of leading the London Borough of Lambeth and London Councils.

As your representative on the NEC I would draw from your knowledge and experience, wherever you are in the country, report back regularly and be a strong and passionate voice for local government.

Minesh Parekh

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Candidate Statement

I’m Minesh, a Labour and Co-operative Councillor in Sheffield. I’m Chair of my Group and portfolio holder for Economic Development. In Sheffield I’ve worked with colleagues to support Community Wealth Building policies, mitigate the cost-of-living crisis, and to centre climate justice in our work. Despite the difficult economic context we face, I’m proud of the decisions taken to ringfence services and deliver for residents.

I’m also proud that Sheffield was the first council to support an immediate ceasefire in Gaza; it is right that councils champion our communities’ voices and stand up for peace and justice.

As NEC Rep my priority would be increasing local government funding. This Government has forced councils across the country to make unbearable cuts. It doesn’t have to be like this.

An alternative future is within reach; local authorities building council housing, creating good green jobs, and providing publicly-owned buses and trams. But we won’t get there with one arm tied behind our backs.

The next Labour Government can and must end fourteen years of austerity, lift the burden from our councils, and transform local government.

I hope to win your support, and be a voice for councillors and councils on the NEC.

Peter Wheeler

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Candidate Statement

After 14 wasted Tory years, the General Election saw Labour winning across the country. Winning in areas that have never been Labour before as well as regaining the trust of former strongholds.

Our Government now has a real chance to work with local councils to tackle the key issues facing us – housing, the environment, poverty reduction and re-building the economy. It won’t be easy, there will be difficult times ahead but to be successful Labour local Government and Labour central Government need to stand shoulder to shoulder.

As a local Councillor, Trade Unionist and Labour Party member of 50 years standing, I believe I have the experience, passion and commitment to our Labour values to help secure the best possible partnership between our councillors and our Government – delivering real results for the people we represent.

I’d like to pay tribute to the work Tudor and Nesil have done for Labour local government and also ask you to support the election of Claire Holland, leader of Lambeth, to the NEC.

Sam Swash

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Candidate Statement

This election isn’t about status or name recognition, it is about you, Labour Party members in Wales and how you are represented on the National Executive Committee (NEC). As the lifeblood of our party, this election is about giving you a voice, and a real representative, on the Labour Party’s NEC.

Too often, the rights of grassroots party members have been casualties in the pursuit of power in Cardiff Bay and Westminster. But member democracy and a desire to win are not mutually exclusive concepts.

Our vibrant and diverse membership in Wales is full of talent and ideas. Our party must harness this through trusting our members with non-negotiable rights to influence party policy and to select their candidates for elections, free from factional interference.

Here in Wales, we have seen how Mark Drakeford’s combination of a radical policy agenda with a compassionate leadership style can be a blueprint for longevity in power. The Welsh seat on the NEC provides a unique platform to promote this successful agenda at the party’s highest level.

For a Welsh NEC representative who fights your corner; who provides regular reports to members; and who is a champion for member democracy, vote Sam Swash.


Daniel Greenacre

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Candidate Statement

Jacob Olaniya

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Candidate Statement

I am happy for the opportunity to apply for this position to represent our team Labour Party. However, I would have the better chances to provides the best services and supports for our people and our communities of our Great Britain. It would be a better position to further help our team Labour Party and our leaders and to win the no10 for Keir Starmer. However, we would have the more opportunity to maintain the Labour government.

Leighton Sealeaf

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Candidate Statement

National Constiutional Committee

Andy Furlong

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Candidate Statement

Rules-based institutions are crucial for fostering stability, fairness and social progress. The Labour Party is no exception.

Our rules and constitution provide a framework for consistent decision-making, ensuring accountability, and preventing arbitrary power. Inevitably, these rules will sometimes be challenged and tested, hence the importance of our National Constitutional Committee (NCC).

I seek election based on 40 years of continuous, active party membership. I have served at every level, including Branch, Constituency, Regional Executive and National Policy Forum. I have been elected councillor and a parliamentary candidate.

I have extensive experience of selection panels, local government appeals, and disciplinary investigations. I have been the appointed NEC representative for several parliamentary selections, always acting fairly and impartially as per the rulebook.

As a professional scientist with senior leadership experience in manufacturing and the voluntary sector, I firmly believe in evidence-based decision-making. This, coupled with my deep commitment to fairness, equality, justice, and the principles of democratic socialism, provides a strong match with the qualities and competencies required of a member of the NCC.

I am a member of Swansea West CLP, GMB, Co-op Party, Fabians, Scientists for Labour and Labour Business.

Please also nominate Brahampreet Kaur, Sionedd-Mair Richards and Arooj Shah.

Rachel Garnham

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Candidate Statement

Disciplinary processes must be transparent, accountable and above all, fair to grassroots members and trade unionists.

In my three years on Labour’s National Executive Committee I fought for the principles of natural justice to be applied within Labour’s disciplinary processes. These are seemingly too often ignored – the right for those accused to have clear, timely information, to have the opportunity to put their case, and a genuine right to appeal.

I’m very concerned about equity in Labour’s disciplinary processes. It is troubling to hear how many Jewish people who support Palestinian human rights are reported to have been excluded from membership, and I am also concerned about fair treatment for disabled members, older members and those with mental health conditions. The Forde report exposed significant failings and must be seriously taken on board

If elected, I pledge to uphold the rulebook, reject factionalism and apply the principles of natural justice.

I’m an experienced activist, Labour Party member for 30 years, member of UCU, Socialist Health Association and Socialist Education Association. I’ve participated in many disciplinary hearings and always been scrupulous in fair application of the rules. Please also support Emine Ibrahim, Dave Levy and Khaled Moyeed.

Brahmpreet Gulati

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

As a 23-year-old, Indian female, coming from a working-class background there have been many challenges growing up. Whether that be my parents working day and night to make a living or escaping educational challenges. To even being told I wouldn’t make it to university.

All odds are against individuals like me, but I graduated in Religion, Politics and Society from King’s College London and am currently working in national security.

I strongly believe that it is my responsibility to ensure that individuals are not held back in society often due to the unfair circumstances around them. I understand and will continue to represent the values of the Labour Party which are fundamental to ensuring everyone has a fair chance.

I will bring objectively and fairness and a commitment to upholding Labour’s rules and high standards of behaviour to hearing cases as an NCC member.


Leicester Young Labour BAME Officer
Leicester Young Labour co- Chair
Future Candidates Programme graduate

Please also nominate:

Andy Furlong
Sioned Mair Richards
Arooj Shah

Emine Ibrahim

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I am standing to serve a third term on National Constitutional Committee. I am currently the longest serving CLP rep on the NCC and bring a wealth of experience to the role, I have also previously served as Chair of the committee. I have always been a strong believer in the importance of the party rule book and ensuring it is applied in a fair and just manner. I have vast experience of dealing with internal disciplinary matters from my 7 years on the NCC and also from my previous role on the London Regional executive. I have over the years built an approach and reputation that first and foremost removes factionalism from disciplinary processes and focuses on a fair and just approach for all sides in often difficult cases. I have also sat on regional membership appeals and panel appeals for Local Government selections. I believe in ensuring the integrity of the process to achieve fairness for all. If we ensure the rules are applied fairly to all then we will achieve a unified and effective Party.

Dave Levy

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Candidate Statement

I am seeking your support to sit on our Party’s NCC.

I promise that I will act with fairness and consider the evidence on any cases on which I sit.

I believe that our rules should be interpreted in the context of UK law and human rights law and that the principles of natural justice must be maintained and offered to all members.

I joined the party in 1974. Since moving to Lewisham in 2010, I have held a number of positions in my CLP, LCF & branch, having been intermittently Secretary of the CLP & LCF over that time. I have acted as a workers’ companion for the last seven years which gives me much experience in assessing cases of bullying and discrimination. I have been trained in employment and equality law.

I am a member of CLPD and have authored and campaigned for many rule changes to make the party accountable to its members.

I am supported by the CLGA and Momentum and would ask you to vote for me, and my running mates, Khaled Moyeed, Emine Ibrahim and Rachel Garnham.

Dr Neeraj Patil

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I am standing for the National Constitutional Committee as an independent grass-roots Labour activist who doesn’t represent any of the blocs,

I want the three pillars of our party, The executive, Parliamentary Labour Party, and Membership, to function effectively under our Constitution and handle complaints referred to NCC with fairness and impartiality.

I believe in zero tolerance towards Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, anti-Hinduism, and racial discrimination.

I have been an active member and campaigner of the Labour Party for 20 years. I have served as Lambeth Councillor for eight years and was Mayor of Lambeth from 2010 to 2011. I have been a ward secretary and served on the NPF & National Executive of BAME Labour.

I am an A&E doctor who has served the NHS for 30 years. I have worked as a Consultant in A&E on the frontlines during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Working as an A&E Consultant, I have medico-legal experience to handle complaints fairly and effectively within the timeframe recommended by law.

I will discharge my duties without prejudice or bias, ensuring that the rules of natural justice are followed during the disciplinary hearings.

Dr. Neeraj Patil, MBBS, FRCS, MRCS, FCEM
Consultant, A&E
Mayor of Lambeth (2010-2011)

Ms Sioned-Mair Richards

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Candidate Statement

I joined the Labour Party (in the early 90s) to see a fairer Britain. I knew only Labour had the values to make this happen. There was Tory sleaze at the time, there is Tory sleaze now. And it has got worse. Cronyism, the special COVID contracts. They stink. The Tories say “Oh they’re all the same”. We need to show we’re not; that integrity and transparency are our watch words.

As a Sheffield City Councillor I was Group Chief Whip. I chaired the Audit & Standards Committee for three years and also that of the South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority. In these roles I led complex enquiries into complaints made about both councillors and officers & sorted them out.

Discipline in the Party has to be fair and seen to be fair. It also needs to be undertaken in a timely manner. We cannot have people hanging around waiting for their case to be dealt with. I want to bring my experience and commitment to push to make this happen.

Please nominate and vote for me in the CLP section of the NCC and also nominate and vote for Andy Furlong, Brahmpreet Kaur and Arooj Shah.

Onkar Sahota

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Candidate Statement

Being child of an immigrant family, I passionately believe in aspirational politics, where every generation does better than their parents. I’ve benefited from and believe in Labour values, that’s why I joined the Labour Party even before I joined the medical school.
I have always fought against injustices, inequalities, discrimination and lack of equality in opportunity. My experience includes:
– 35 years as NHS GP
– Labour London Assembly Member (2012-2024)
– 9 Years as Chair of Assembly Health Committee and former Assembly Chair
– Member GMB, Unite and Co-operative Party
– Former CLP Chair, Local Magistrate and School Governor
Through my NHS experience and political background, I offer a unique perspective to serve our party and future Labour Government which will have to rebuild the NHS.
I will campaign to get a Labour Government elected and through the work of the NEC ensure that it delivers the change the country needs.
The NEC should ensure our Leadership is in touch with the aspirations of the members, that party governance meets the highest standards and holds itself to scrutiny. I champion unity and will give voice to grassroot members and CLPs who are the backbone of the Labour Party.

Arooj Shah

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Candidate Statement

Arooj Shah (L0042486)

I am currently in my second year as Chair of the National Constitution Committee. I’m also the Leader of Oldham Council, and previously served as a Commissioner on Gordon Brown’s Commission on the UK’s Future.

As we approach a General Election this year, it is so important that the Labour Party is ready to govern, and its crucial that our rules are followed by our members and that any issues are dealt with robustly and fairly. I believe my record as NCC Chair shows my willingness to do this and to help create a Labour movement we can all be proud of and one that the public trusts to be Britain’s Future.

Please also nominate :

National Policy Forum

Dean Collins

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

As a Labour party activist for over 25 years, I have held the positions of Vice-Chair, Equalities(disabled) and TULO officer in the CLP’s I have been involved in. As a local councillor since 2012, I was able to take part in the policy setting at both County & Borough level. As a cabinet member & V. Chair of Labour group for the council, I was seen as a leader, and regularly held policy discussions before setting the policy of council. As an active member of Unite’s Regional Political Committee, I believe trade unions must be at the centre of policy making in the party, whilst working to achieve policies that work for the working population. As a regional board member of the Union (Unite), I speak up for members on what is needed, alongside the work I do in the workplace on policies at the acute trust I work at. Representatives need to listen and do their best for the members. As a disabled person I promise to encourage more diversity in representation in our party therefore pushing for policies that stand for the many.
Please also support candidates backed by the Centre-left Grassroots Alliance; Fraser McGuire and Liv Marshall.

Kelly Duddridge

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I am looking to join the NPF to play my part in shaping Labour policy to build up to & secure a second term. We will need 10 years to resuscitate our public services.
Attending several conferences as CLP delegate gave me a thirst for the finer details of policy development & I want to help bring change that improves the lives of many who are struggling.

I am committed to seeing Labour win this coming election because far too much hope and necessity for change depend on us ending 14 years of Tory misery.

Being at the raw end of Tory austerity, I believe voices like mine are beneficial to making sure that those on low incomes, or none, are remembered, represented, & respected in our policy-making while maintaining a pragmatic approach.

As a council estate mother of 4, I see how Tory priorities have negatively affected the experiences & prospects of our children. As a councillor, I see how they’ve decimated community services.

Time to stop surviving & start thriving!

We need to be sensible, focused & strong to face the tough challenges ahead.
We need to get Britain’s future back

Please also support Neghat Khan, Nathan Oswin, Rory Palmer & Ruby Simpson (Youth place)”

Neghat Khan

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

My name is Neghat Khan. For the past 10 years, I’ve been a Nottingham City Councillor leading on areas like communities, education, housing and regeneration. I’m a proud member of the GMB and the Co-op Party. It has been an honour to be your NPF Rep for the past two years, serving as part of the Safe and Secure Communities Policy Commission.

I stood on a platform of engaging with members: listening to your views and putting them at the heart of Labour’s policymaking. I’ve spent two years making this a reality, delivering a manifesto we all can be proud of.

Local government has been under attack from this callous Tory government. Budgets have been slashed, services dismantled, and one in five councils say they could be insolvent by next year. Our next manifesto needs to secure the vital funds our communities and local authorities need.

I want to engage with members and voters across the East Midlands, and on the policy issues that matter to them. Together, we can deliver a Labour victory and Keir Starmer keys to Number 10. I would encourage you to also support Kelly Duddridge, Nathan Oswin, Rory Palmer and Ruby Simpson (Youth Rep).

Fraser McGuire

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I’m the Chair of Unite Hospitality East Midlands branch, and have been the Young Labour rep for the East Midlands since 2022. Growing up in rural Derbyshire I have seen the devastating effect of Tory austerity on our communities, with cuts to local government funding, social care, education and transport. I’ve organised with hundreds of Young Labour members and young workers; I know how desperately change is needed.
I will stand up for transformative policies this country needs- like the nationalisation of key services- and as a climate activist I believe we have a long way to go to tackle the coming environmental crisis.
As a committed trade unionist, and vice-president of Derby Trades Council I will fight to see the New Deal for Working People go as far as possible. We need to unshackle our trade unions by fighting to repeal all anti-union legislation from the last 40 years and we must commit to pushing through radical workers rights reforms in the first 100 days of a Labour government.
I’m proud to be supported by the Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance, and Momentum and I urge you to nominate and vote for Dean Collins and Liv Marshall (youth position).

Matthew Melvin

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

With climate change, the challenges (and opportunities) of AI, deepening inequalities, and the rise of populism, the only effective way to counter this is with experience from outside of politics.

As someone who has been in the marketing field for the past five years, I believe in supporting personal data rights and freedoms, as well as safely and responsibly harnessing AI’s potential.

For me, the role technology will play in shaping our society cannot be left to the free market to decide; according to a recent poll, 25% of America’s Gen Z now believe the holocaust is exaggerated. When such topics are as graphic, poignant, and disturbing as the holocaust, it’s no wonder that misinformation breeds – the raw truth is simply not advertiser friendly, and is either removed or not made in the first place. It’s imperative that we, in consultation with trade unions, decide how emerging technology benefits our society before the free market decides for us.

I’m eager to give my voice and experience to the NPF so we can build a safe, green and digital future where everyone benefits. I hope you’ll consider me for this role.

Jacob Olaniya

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I am happy for this great opportunity to apply to represent our team Labour Party for this position of our National Policy Forum CLP Representative of the East Midlands. However, I would have the better chances and more ability to provides supports and helps for our, students and our communities of our Great Britain. This would be a great position for me to be providing the excellent services and campaigns for the Labour Party, for the greater supports for our Leaders in the Party to win and secure the no10.

Nathan Oswin

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

If we’re to make the most of the chance to serve in Government we need to harness our members’ knowledge and experience to help create policy.

For two years I’ve worked with members to do just that, putting forward motions on our NHS, Europe, Justice, Energy and Equalities.

I’m asking you to vote for me to continue to fight for you, your priorities and to ensure Labour delivers a better future for our East Midlands.

Austerity has ravaged our country, decimating our public services and seen inequality grow. I’ve been fighting against this for over a decade, campaigning with those bereaved by Covid, a Trustee for Hillsborough Law and now fighting for working people with the TUC at the Covid Inquiry.

The East Midlands has always been bottom of the list when it comes to investment, to really change things round here, Labour will need to recognise this cannot keep being the case. That’s what I’ll be making the case on.

We need pragmatic but ambitious plans, grounded in our members’ lived experiences to really make change happen. That’s how you rebuild Britain and the East Midlands.

Please also support Neghat Khan, Kelly Duddridge, Rory Palmer & Ruby Simpson (Youth place).

Rory Palmer

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

Over these past two years the National Policy Forum has finalised a policy platform that will renew our country and build a better future; a policy programme that is ambitious and deliverable, showing that Labour is ready to govern again.

With over ten years experience as a National Policy Forum rep (as a regional rep & as a Member of the European Parliament) I have ensured the views of East Midlands’ members, CLPs, trade unions & affiliates have been heard through our policy-making process and reflected in the final year policy document agreed at last year’s Conference.

Working with trade union colleagues, I’ve helped secure a commitment to the Dying to Work campaign in our policy platform; a campaign that seeks to strengthen employment rights for workers with a terminal illness and which started here in the East Midlands. In previous NPF cycles I worked on key policies including the Living Wage, social housing, legal aid, climate policy and local control of bus services.

Please consider supporting me: I bring significant experience, a commitment to ensuring the National Policy Forum’s work is accessible to members and a track record representing East Midlands members.

There can be no complacency as the General Election approaches.
Winning elections is how we change lives. I want to work with party members across our region to shape policy to win a Labour Government and to keep Labour in Government.
I would also encourage you to support Kelly Duddridge, Neghat Khan, Nathan Oswin & Ruby Simpson (youth place).

Hayden Wilkinson

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I believe that I am able to take the priorities of the region into effect as I have spoken to people across the east midlands and many have said they want younger representation as they understand the issues young people face and that is something I can do.

I will do my best to focus on helping both families and business in the cost of living crisis, cleaning up our streets from both flytipping and crime but also providing support to education, transport and road maintenance.

Liv Marshall

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

As a young woman who has grown up knowing nothing other than the brutality of austerity, and the failing of my generation by 14 years of Tory negligence, I want nothing more than for an incoming Labour government to put forward a transformative, progressive policy agenda.
For too long, the climate crisis has been on the back foot of British politics, with continued investment in North Sea oil and gas fields and the delay in phasing out petrol and diesel cars all happening under Tory rule. As East Midlands Youth Rep on the NPF, I’d ensure our party is a global trailblazer for net zero in government, by reinstating the £28bn and supporting the aims of the Climate Education Bill such as integrating climate change into vocational training and exams.
I’m a proud trade unionist, climate activist, and young labour member, and will bring these values to the table, to ensure that when we do get into government, the agenda is set around the future, a brighter tomorrow.
I’m proud to be supported by the Centre- Left Grassroots Alliance, and Momentum and I urge you to nominate and vote for Dean Collins, and Fraser McGuire.

Ruby Simpson

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

We need the next Labour government to be brave and bold, delivering the changes that are desperately needed after years of Tory neglect.

The Tory policy of levelling up has failed our generation. Whether you live in a city or a rural town like me, there are so many challenges that we face. Only a Labour Government can offer us the solutions, but they need to hear our views and priorities.

As an activist in our Party, I know the passion and drive us young members have for building a better future and I want to bring that to the National Policy Forum. I am both a grassroots activist and national advocate, as Vice Chair of both my CLP and the Co-operative Party’s National Youth Committee. I have connected members across our movement, and I will bring this to my work on the NPF. I will listen and act because all of our voices deserve to be heard.

If you want someone who will stand up for you and make sure the next Labour Government delivers the future we deserve, vote for Ruby Simpson.

I would also encourage you to support Kelly Duddridge, Neghat Khan, Nathan Oswin and Rory Palmer.

Hayden Wilkinson

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

As a candidate to be Youth Representative of the East Midlands it is important to have someone who is transparent, dedicated and determined to deliver for young people and let their voices be heard. My goal is to represent those who feel unheard, especially the youth, and to ensure that their concerns are not only heard and listened to but acted upon. There are four steps to achieve this:

1. We need to build trust amongst people within the East Midlands if we want them to vote labour. To build trust we must listen to the people and act upon their concerns, especially the younger generation. As a representative I will ensure that voices are heard, I will ensure I act upon them and urge the next labour government to deliver changes based on concerns of the younger people.

2. We need to empower the youth, as a young person I understand the struggles of those who are young and feeling like they are not listened to, they are not taken seriously and that their voices are left unheard with no action being made to address their concerns. As a representative I will change this, It would be my priority to listen to the concerns of the younger generation and I will ensure that those voices are heard and that action is made.

3. We need to restore hope, as a young person I have seen that the younger generation has lost hope, they feel like current representatives and our leaders lack the compassion, lack the leadership and lack the transparency to represent us. I know myself that the labour party has the compassion, leadership and transparency, I also know that I can let that be seen, I will display that compassion, display that leadership and display that transparency that the people demand! I will bring back that hope because hope is what we need amongst the younger generation to thrive, to prosper and to grow together as a community.

4. We need to make change. As the youth representative I am ready to bring change through compassion, through dedication and through determination as I will personally urge the next labour government to listen to my concerns, to listen to your concerns and to act upon the concerns expressed by the younger generation presented to me. Lets make the necessary changes by letting your voices demand those changes.

By voting for me, Hayden Wilkinson, you are showing your support for someone who is dedicated to make positive change that would ensure young people have their voices heard to therefore build a future that is inclusive and representative of the people’s needs. Lets make it happen.

Louise Chinnery

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I have been a Labour Party activist all my life and am the Chair of Mid Bedfordshire CLP. I was proud to play my part in our historic by-election victory and to see the big difference our Labour MP is already making to our community.

As a UNISON National
Officer, I campaign on behalf of tens of thousands of support staff in the NHS, who under difficult circumstances, keep the NHS running every day. I have seen first hand the impact of Tory neglect and the cost-of-living crisis. If elected I will endeavour to help shape Labour Party policy to ensure the NHS is put back on its feet and public services are fit for the future.

Labours new deal for working people will be the most radical reform of workers rights in a generation. It will be transformative and provide workers with the meaningful rights and protections they deserve.

As the parent of an autistic child, my family have experienced the brunt of austerity. I will engage through the NPF to ensure that parents and kids with specials educational needs have a voice in much needed reform of the current system.

Please also nominate Alex Mayer, Richard Howitt and Adam Fox.

Adam Fox

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I have been a Labour Party member for 20 years and in that time I have been a Labour Councillor and Labour Group Leader in local government. I’m a proud trade unionist. In my local party I have held various roles including CLP Secretary and CLP Chair.

As a local councillor I put Labour Party policy into practice – building new council houses, tackling the climate emergency and supporting our local high street. I want to help further develop policies like these so that we transform the lives of ordinary people after 14 years of Tory disaster. We need to develop policy not just for the first year of a Labour government but for the next decade and more so that we can rebuild our country.

I promise to engage with members and ensure that over the coming years Labour continues to develop policies that support ordinary working people across our region. I have campaigned across the region and I will make myself available to Labour members in the East so that I represent your views on the National Policy Forum and ensure that members’ voices are heard.

Please also nominate Louise Chinnery, Richard Howitt and Alex Mayer.

Rachel Garnham

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I am an experienced, committed campaigner serving seven years on the National Policy Forum, 20 plus years in local Labour positions and previously three years on the National Executive Committee. I am a UCU activist and strong supporter of Labour’s trade union link.

Labour needs a policy programme that will win elections and transform lives; seriously addressing the cost of living and climate crises; redistributing wealth and rebuilding public services.

On the NPF Public Services Policy Commission I have championed NPF submissions from Eastern Region CLPs including:
-NHS investment not privatisation;
-Local accountability of schools; extending Free School Meals;
-Increased pay for health, social care, and education workers across the public sector.

I have promoted reversal of Tory attacks on civil liberties; and listening to women by advocating policy made by Labour’s Women’s Conference. At the NPF in Nottingham I put forward amendments that made a difference, including a commitment to international law in Palestine.

I want to continue to promote this platform on the NPF, and work towards a more democratic, transparent and inclusive policy-making process, recognising the sovereignty of annual conference.

Members matter.

Please also support other grassroots candidates Bryn Griffiths, Shahid Nadeem, Maxine Sadza and Alex Small.

Bryn Griffiths

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I will always prioritise giving a voice to ordinary members and making myself available to the Constituency Labour Parties (CLPs). I will act as an advocate of the radical policies which have been passed by our Conference.

I will support the Trade Unions in making sure that we are bold in our implementation of the New Deal for Working People. Labour’s Green Prosperity Plan should be the central plank of our policy and I will always advocate a radical approach that is proportionate to the challenge the planet faces. On economic policy I want our party to back our public services e.g. I will always argue for the rail service to return to the public sector. I will stand with the public sector unions in their efforts to remove the privateers from the National Health Service and Social Care. I will abide by Labour Conference policy passed by an overwhelming majority that we should introduce proportional representation.

I am standing with the Shahid Nadeem, Maxine Sadza, Rachel Garnham
Bryn Griffiths, Alex Small (Youth position) as a Centre Left Grassroots Alliance candidate. I also support Momentum and sit on the Campaign for Labour Party Democracy Executive.
Card number L1949828

Alex Mayer

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

Winning is tantalisingly close.

For 14 long years we have been held back by mean-spirited and incompetent Tories.

We desperately need a Labour Government to make our part of the world the best it can be. To achieve that we must win back seats across our region. That needs a brilliant Labour manifesto that reflects the concerns of residents where we live and draws on the expertise of you – our members.

If re-elected to the National Policy Forum I’ll work with you to develop a strong regional policy. Our policy-making should be outward looking, where we seek ideas and expertise from a huge range of people, and where there is space for robust debate. You need and deserve more involvement. At every stage I’ll fight for the process to be transparent and accessible to CLP members.

I’ve been a Labour and trade union activist for 25 years, campaigning in every CLP across our brilliant region. I’m experienced at policy making and proudly served as your MEP.

I’ve never minded speaking truth to power and I promise that on the NPF I will always stand up for CLP voices, not the ‘Westminster bubble’.

Let’s get Britain’s future back. Let’s win.

Shahid Nadeem

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I’m CLP Secretary and treasurer of the Unite Legal Workers’ branch and an active member of the Society of Labour Lawyers, which provides legal and policy advice to the Labour Party. If re-elected to the NPF, I would like to utilise my experience as a Member of Unison, SME4Labour Executive board member, founder of Pakistanis for Labour, vice chair of the South Essex Cooperative Party and Western East Anglia Coop Party Council to develop strong regional policy and engaging members.

I’ll lay the groundwork for a bold agenda on the economy, jobs, health, education, housing, peace, and human rights; this will transform our country. It has been an honour to be your NPF Rep for the past two years. Apart from contributing to the Safe Communities commission, I also worked for amendments including £15 wage, housing, a Green New Deal, and Public ownership. I stood on a platform of engaging with members and putting members’ views at the heart of Labour’s policy-making, and I will continue to do so.

I’m asking you to vote for me to continue to fight for you and your priorities and support other grassroots candidates Rachel Garnham, Bryn Griffiths, Maxine Sadza and Alex Small (Youth Rep).

Maxine Sadza

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

Eastern Region

Maxine Sadza

Membership No: L1431770

Candidate Statement

We have seen the effects of Tory austerity amongst the most marginalised in our society, leading to increased poverty, more food banks and poverty wages for public sector workers.

I am currently a CLP Treasurer, retired member of Unite the Union and have been Women’s Officer, BAME Officer and Policy Officer. I was the UNITE Equalities Rep for my workplace whilst working for the NHS as a Biomedical Scientist. I brought up my two sons as a single parent. I am a grassroots Community activist involved in Acorn the Union. I am also a member of the organising committee of a local multicultural community festival and am the first BAME woman to be elected as a Councillor to Southend City Council. I stood to be a councillor in order to be a voice for the voiceless and to represent minority ethnic groups within the local community.

I pledge to represent members’ views, work to ensure that democracy is upheld, and be a Champion the New Deal for Working People as well as Labour’s Green Prosperity Plan on the NPF. I will also oppose increased privatisation in our Health service.

I am proud to be supported by the Centre Left Grassroots Alliance and Momentum. I urge you to support Shahid Nadeem, Rachel Graham, Bryn Griffiths and Alex Small (youth position).

Sam Carling

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

We need strong representation for the Eastern Region to ensure that our policies are targeted to address the unique issues we face, as well as providing an ambitious national alternative to this horrific Tory government that we can deliver on if elected. I have the skills and experience to provide that representation, and I’ll do so while maximising involvement from members across our region.

Using my experience as a researcher working in biological science, I’ll champion the need for a Labour government to support research and development, driving economic growth and promoting innovation while creating new industries and jobs.

As a councillor and cabinet member within my council, I have a strong awareness of the immense financial pressures currently facing local government, and the cuts being made to frontline services nationally as a result. I’ll argue for better funding of local government to reverse this decline and allow councils to work hand in hand with a Labour government to realise our national vision. And as a firm supporter of the trade union movement (and proud GMB member), I’ll back policies which progress workers’ rights across all sectors.

Alexander Small

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I’m currently Southend West and Leigh’s Vice-Chair and have been a conference delegate twice, debating and voting on Labour Party policy.

I’ve worked with charities and community organisations, seeing first hand, the suffering felt by those at the sharpest end of our broken economic model, including those experiencing homelessness and food insecurity. This has solidified for me that we need an incoming Labour government to be bold in facing these grave challenges, to transform society in favour of working people, and tackle the climate crisis head on.

I’ve stood shoulder to shoulder with workers on the picket lines, as they campaigned for a fairer deal. I will continue to advocate for properly funding our vital public services, keeping them away from private profiteers and improving the pay and conditions of our key workers.
I believe strongly in resident-led decision making and will push for further devolution and decentralisation, putting power and investment into local communities.

If elected, I’ll respect the mandate by engaging extensively with members across Eastern region, listening to your views and priorities, and working to ensure they are represented in Labour policy.

Please also support other grassroots candidates Bryn Griffiths, Shahid Nadeem, Maxine Sadza and Rachel Garnham.

MD Kawsar Ahmed

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

Rezina Chowdhury

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

Since 2014 I have been a councillor in an inner London borough. I am also a social researcher with over 20 years policy development experience. If re-elected, I will continue to ensure local government is clearly represented on the NPF.
As a social researcher I am passionate about public engagement, opinion gathering and consultation. I have developed policy in public health, local government, housing, VAWG and education.
I have been a Labour member and campaigner since 1987. I managed Party polling and the monthly message polls for the Labour Strategy Unit for two years, informing our election campaign strategies. By understanding the issues that mattered to the electorate, I communicated Party policy in a way that resonated with voters and members.
I have held the offices of Group Chair, Chief whip and Secretary. I am a member of GMB, Unison and the Co-op party.
If re-elected to the NPF I will report regularly to London councillors ensuring they continue to play an active policy development role.
By supporting me you will have an experienced, enthusiastic NPF rep, passionate about winning a Labour Government.
I would also encourage you to support Sara Conway, Bora Kwon, Abdi Mohammed and Hollie Wright.

Sara Conway

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I’m honoured to be a local councillor in Burnt Oak and Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Resident Participation in Barnet’s first Labour Council administration. I’m also Chair of the Safer Communities Partnership Board and a member of the GMB, Unison, the Fabian Society and JLM.

I have 30 years’ experience from the creative, commercial and community sectors, bringing people together to develop and deliver transformative policies and initiatives. I continue to learn constantly from, and really enjoy working with, the local VCFS, including as a trustee at Sebby’s Corner (providing essentials for children in need), the Artsdepot theatre, and the Jewish Volunteering Network, and as a member of Nisa-Nashim Muslim-Jewish Women’s Network; and supporting local residents’ community and environmental groups.

As a member of the Greater London Authority Civic Futures fellowship alumni I’m part of a policy development network bringing local government and civic society together to build and test ideas to help London’s recovery.

I’m standing for the NPF to help share learning and build this collaborative spirit and communities focus into policy discussion and development across London, listening to and working with local party members.

Please also nominate: Chowdhury, Kwon, Mohammed and Wright.


Membership Number


Candidate Statement

Aydin Dikerdem

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

The next Labour government is going to inherit a deeply challenging economic climate, but it’ll also be faced with a nation desperate for change after 14 years of Tory austerity. I think the role of the NPF is to be an engine for ambition during this period, that tests and offers ideas and solutions from the membership, affiliates and unions.

As a local councillor and Cabinet Member for Housing I’m acutely aware of the challenges facing the public sector but also the radical alternatives that can be achieved with bold thinking. I joined the Labour Party in 2013 as austerity was biting and the housing crisis was deepening yet saw how workable pragmatic left-wing alternatives were side-lined. I’ve seen first-hand the intersection between policy and campaigns when working as an organiser for the New Economics Foundation, which has given me a strong grounding in the politics and national conversation around policy. And of course I’m now responsible for developing and implementing policy at the local level in a swing Council.

I’m glad to be backed by the Centre Left Grassroots Alliance and would ask you to also nominate Rathi Guhadesan, Dave Levy, Pat Quigley, and India Burgess (Youth Position).

Rathi Guhadasan

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I’m the CLP secretary for Brent East, Vice Chair for Kingsbury ward and served as ward organiser in my previous ward. I have attended the Labour national conference in 2022 and 2023, as CLP and Socialist Health Association delegate. I have participated in writing motions at ward level and for the SHA. As CLP secretary, I am familiar with the Labour Party rule book and allied resources. I am a national SHA Vice-Chair and London Branch secretary.

I’m a participating member of Doctors in Unite and a qualified paediatrician with a background in international public health and the international development and humanitarian sectors. I have a keen interest in many areas of policy, particularly health, and would like to see a more integrated, intersectoral approach to public health policy. We must also see the New Deal for Working people delivered in full as well as a proper Green New Deal. If elected, I will endeavour to represent the grassroots of our Labour movement and be accountable and transparent to members.

I’m proud to be supported by Momentum and the Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance (CLGA). Please also nominate and vote for Dave Levy, Pat Quigley, Aydin Dikerdem, and India Burgess (Youth Position).

Bora Kwon

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I’m standing to be an NPF member to offer my services and experience as a Labour party member, activist, and councillor in this crucial time as we head towards a general election.
I joined the party 12 years ago, in the midst of the Tory-Lib Dem coalition years when I could see that the direction the country was going in was leaving behind huge parts of our society, and in the intervening years we have only seen things get worse. I have been a councillor in a London borough since 2018, where I currently serve as the Cabinet Member, and have seen how Labour policies in action can truly change lives.

As a general election approaches, our policies will be under scrutiny by the public so as a party and movement it’s vital that Labour presents a credible, inspiring and hopeful vision to the country. If elected as an NPF member I will report back and work with CLPs to enable members to contribute to our policy making process.

Please also nominate Rezina Chowdhury, Sara Conway, Abdi Mohammed.

Dave Levy

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I believe our Party needs to unite around our core values so that we can develop a policy programme which will make a real difference to people’s lives when we get into government.

I will fight for a policy platform in the interests of the many, not the few, based on anti-poverty, pro-social justice and anti-racist principles. I’ll also place membership involvement at the heart of my work.

My experience as an economist, IT professional, trade unionist, and civil rights campaigner would mean I am very well-placed for the Economy, Culture, or Democracy commissions.

I have been a member of the Labour Party for 50 years and have held various positions with it.
I am President of my GMB branch, trained in employment law; I represent & organise members in their workplace.

I am a member/subscriber to Amnesty, Liberty, the Open Rights Group, and the Labour Movement for Europe. I am active in Another Europe and CLPD.

I will work hard, represent you, and remain fully open and transparent.

I’m proud to be supported by Momentum and the Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance (CLGA), please also nominate and vote for Rathi Guhadesan, Pat Quigley, Aydin Dikerdem, and India Burgess (Youth Position).

Abdi Mohamed

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I am standing for the National Policy Forum because I am committed to representing the varied experiences and values of our members, ensuring that our policies are inclusive and effective in addressing the challenges facing our communities.

Having worked in local government, in Parliament and now for a national charity, I want to use my experience of policy development and implementation to help our party develop compassionate, detailed and robust policy. I have a track record of campaigning and winning in various policy areas, from children’s rights to disability policy.

As a year-round campaigner, I’m passionate about listening and acting on conversations with members of our party and with residents from being on the doorstep when canvassing. I want to use this experience as your delegate on the National Policy Forum.

As your delegate, I commit to:

– Provide a regular members’ update
– Presenting and reporting back during CLP meetings
– Work with members and parties to develop ideas

Please also support Rezina Chowdhury, Sara Conway and Bora Kwon.

Freya Nowell

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I am a life-long Londoner, Labour supporter, trade union member, part-time carer, innovator (a bold claim I know, but I promise I can back it up!) and policy nerd. I have exceptional people and operations skills, gained from a long, first career stint at Waitrose. I have undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, both of which focused heavily on policy development and innovation, which gave me the bug for working in politics, development and policymaking. After struggling to find an entry-level job in that field, I worked for my undergraduate university, leading outreach work with local schools to support improved access to Higher Education, and particularly Russell Group universities. From this, I went on to work for an education charity, developing training and support for teachers and school leaders working in some of the most promising (but also financially deprived) schools across the country. I bit the bullet and trained as a teacher myself a few years ago and spent an interesting (but joyous!) two years full-time in the classroom 2019-21. I went back into the charity sector in ’21. You can probably guess why I would be beyond honoured to represent you all and support a future of progressive, radical change!

Patricia Bridget Quigley

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

The Labour Party must enable change for the better for the lives of current and future generations of working-class people in this country. I will work hard for policies that address entrenched poverty, ensure secure, decent housing for all and high quality educational, health and public services that deliver good outcomes for everyone, creating a more equitable and just society.
A lifelong Labour Party supporter, I joined 8 years ago and have been active since in my local Labour party, previously Secretary of my ward branch for 5 years and now the CLP’s Women’s Officer and Secretary of Women’s branch.
I worked in Education for over 40 years, as a classroom and headteacher; I’m diplomatic and experienced at working with a breadth of views. I have an interest in SEND policy and issues affecting families and children. I am a retired member of the NEU.
I’m a community campaigner, fighting for social rent housing and the Right to Food. I’m a member of several Socialist Societies, including SHA and I sit on the National Executive of the Socialist Education Association.
I’m supported by the CLGA, please nominate me and Rathi Guhadasan, Aydin Dikerdem, Dave Levy, and India Burgess (Youth Position).

Eleni Barrett

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

My name is Eleni Barrett. I am the ideal candidate for this role. Not only have I lived in London all my life, but my grandparents who emigrated from Cyprus, Ghana and Ireland also settled in this great area.

I have a keen interest in politics. I am proactive and have a proven track record in engaging the youth in politics through my position as the Communications Lead for the Kingston and Richmond Youth Council and as Youth Officer in my CLP. In these roles I have organised meetings, created and delivered initiatives, presented to stakeholders and spoken with ‘apathetic’ voters.

I have spoken with MPs from all sides of the political spectrum and I feel that I possess the correct balance of being able to work with both adults and young people. I also have good knowledge and experience of community engagement and a great work ethic.

India Burgess

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

Over the coming years, the Labour Party should nationalise key public services including energy companies, utilities and public transport; support devolution and investment in community services and spaces; and introduce a wealth tax to reduce inequality. It is also critical that Labour calls and advocates for a permanent and immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

Not only are these policies popular but they are necessary to build stronger, happier and greener communities. They are the policies I will fight for as your representative on the National Policy Forum.

Since university, the policies impacting every aspect of our lives have interested and inspired me. For the past five years, I’ve been volunteering, advocating and working in policy from the local level to the international stage. Through all of this, it’s become clear that the UK needs to be bold and ambitious to face multiple environmental and social crises.

I’m standing for Labour’s National Policy Forum to propose, debate and fight for policies that can deliver a future that’s not just fair but thriving.

I’m supported by the CLGA, please nominate me as well as Rathi Guhadasan, Aydin Dikerdem, Dave Levy, and Pat Quigley.

Joel Mehta

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

As an experienced local campaigner, serving as branch and CLP Youth Officer and having represented young people at regional conference I have experience working locally and engaging young people in the party.

As the events officer and now president for the UCL Labour society I have collaborated with universities across London and organised events with a variety of speakers and MPs, along with coordinated campaigning across London.

At the NPF I would push for policies to make Britain fit for the youth of today, with a particular focus on key issues including:

– Tackling the climate crisis by advocating for a fast green transition across all industries and bolstering Britain’s global leadership on environmental issues.
– Ensuring access to high quality affordable accommodation and robust rental protections, an issue impacting hundreds of thousands of students in London alone
– Promoting equitable access to education and training through greater funding for bursaries and expanded scholarship schemes
– Advocating for greater labour protections and investment into developing the industries of tomorrow for the youth of today; from bioetchnology to batteries

Labour success always hinges upon young people, lets make our voices heard and guarantee a policy platform that will inspire hope and real change.

Hollie Wright

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

Having been an active member of the Labour Party since 2016, I am deeply committed to ensuring the voice and perspective of young people are embedded in the heart of Labour’s policy agenda.

Growing up with a strong Labour-run council, I saw the difference Labour policies and values can make. I strongly align myself with the values of equality and opportunity that this Party is putting front and centre of its agenda.

In my work in the progressive policy sector and through my background as a policy advisor in the public sector, I developed valuable insights that will make me well-suited to serve on the NPF. My experience gives me an understanding of the policymaking process and the real-world impacts policy decisions have on people’s lives.

As a member of Unite, I understand the integral role of trade unions in advocating for workers’ rights and shaping economic policy discussions within the Party. My goal is to ensure young workers have a seat at the table.

If selected as Youth Rep, I will be a vocal champion for the issues young Labour members and young people across the country care about, whether it be jobs, education, housing affordability, or social justice.

John Bowden

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

Great policymaking starts with a bold and creative vision of the society we want to be part of. It’s followed by building a policy framework which takes a unified approach to environmental, social and economic justice.

If elected I will bring a socialist vision to the NPF, backed up by policy expertise as both a qualified environmental and social value practitioner, and my experience as a homebuilding sustainability director.

In today’s world, climate justice needs to be factored into every policy decision. I can bring climate expertise into the Forum together with an understanding of business.

Labour’s policies should be based on solidarity – fighting poverty and oppression at home and abroad. The brutal occupations of Ukraine and Palestine must both be condemned in the strongest terms and a consistent approach adopted when responding to countries that break international law.

During my time as a CLP Secretary I learned that information is key to engaging members and inspiring activity – I commit to keeping members well informed if elected.

I’m proud to be supported by the Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance and Momentum and urge you to support Sangita Patel, Fianna Hornby, Evangeline Walker and Antonia Shipley (youth position).

Sam Corcoran

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

In 2011 I fought the “unwinnable” seat of Sandbach Heath and East and won by 6 votes.
Now the seat has a Labour majority of 140 and I am the first ever Labour Leader of Cheshire East Council. I am passionate about tackling climate change and in May 2019, under my leadership, the council committed to being carbon neutral by 2025 and has a detailed Carbon Neutral Action Plan.
I believe in fairness and putting people before profit- that’s why I’m a Labour and Co-op councillor. I want to put those values into practice in developing Labour policies.
I went to the best school in the country (Manchester Grammar School) and the best university in the world (Oxford). I paid no university tuition fees and received a government grant to cover my living expenses. I want others to have the opportunities that I have had.
By profession I am a chartered accountant and fellow of the Chartered Institute of Taxation, so I also have the technical expertise of dealing with tax policy and analysing legislation.
Please also vote for Connor Dwyer, Nathalie Nicholas and Claire Reid
Contact [email protected]
Twitter @CllrSam
Facebook CllrSam
Mobile number 07960 248553

Connor Dwyer

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

As we look to put country first and enter government, it is vital our policy represents the needs of ordinary people across the whole country.

I work in higher education and have experience working in further education and population policy. Through experience, I have a keen interest in local government services, and a personal interest in rail and energy policy.

I grew up in a breadline single parent household. Social housing and council services prevented my homelessness as a child and helped me through my education. I understand the importance of public services, local government and a supported state education system for opportunity and quality of life. I want my experiences and expertise to help bring informed policy discussion on education, public services, and local government to the party.

I have been a campaigning Labour member for 9 years, working in Council and Parliamentary elections and by-elections across the country, and in 2023 gained Sharoe Green on Preston City Council for Labour aged 24. I’m proud to be an active member of UNISON and the Co-operative Party. It would be my honour to serve the North West on the NPF. Please also nominate Sam Corcoran, Nathalie Nicholas & Claire Reid.

Fianna Hornby

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I’m the proud Councillor for Gorse Hill and Cornbrook in Trafford – home to the first planned industrial estate in the world. Representing a ward with such great industrial heritage has only cemented my belief that the UK needs a Green New Deal to both address environmental challenges we face and ensure unionised Green jobs to support a just transition.

After growing up in Preston and seeing the area flourish, I’ve taken inspiration from the socialist council leadership there. They have put Community Wealth Building at the heart of the Council. It’s been a pleasure to see more money staying embedded in the area. I believe these policies should be a key priority for a future Labour Government.

I will do everything in my power to enable a Labour government. We then need to expand public ownership, secure better rights for workers, provide a decent education for all ages and incomes, protect our wonderful NHS, expand free childcare to support families and build more council housing across the UK.

I am proud to be supported by the Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance and Momentum and urge you to support John Bowden, Sangita Patel, Evangeline Walker and Antonia Shipley (youth position).

Ghislaine Moutima

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

My name Ghislaine Moutima for Government Labour party candidate nominated for this ; I’ come to teg we jobs the hand changed their own needs in we country Britain is very helpful country like youngest older children or disability people that Labour party candidate nominated needs to take advantage to their needs ; vote Labour party to make You happy with finances NHS Because we’re just to transform we country and take that in we hand.

Nathalie Nicholas

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I am seeking your vote to serve as one of your NPF representatives for another term. I served on the National Policy Forum (NPF) for 2022-2023 on the Public Services that work from the start of the policy commission. I had the opportunity to work with other Labour members and union representatives on the Labour work plan. As a nurse with over 22 years of experience, I shared my knowledge and skills as an NPF representative to help contribute to the Labour Party policies and manifesto. I was invited to CLPs meetings in the Northwest and shared information on our work in the NPF. I believe policy development in the Labour Party must involve members, local parties, trade unions, socialist societies, elected representatives, and the wider community. Members should be able to help shape the Party’s policy agenda. Policymaking is one of the most critical things in the Labour Party; our policies should reflect the people, encompass social justice and social value to promote equity. I am a UNISON member and passionately believe we are stronger united and have a pivotal role in developing Labour Party policies. I would be delighted to receive your vote for National Policy Forum.
Please also vote Sam, Corcoran, Connor Dwyer and Claire Reid

Sangita Patel

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I’ve worked in local government for over 30 years, predominantly in Regeneration and Neighbourhood Services. I’ve collaborated with Councillors to allow for more local provision for adult education, enabling residents to confidently secure local jobs. Other projects include work on community safety, cohesion, climate change, and the Cost of Living. I’m now a councillor serving as Assistant Executive Member for Culture.
I’m CLP Policy Officer and have been the Election Agent for my ward Councillor. I am also Chair of the Friends of Waterloo Park and Centre where I have supported award-winning projects on climate change and activities to help residents with the cost of living.
I’d use my experience, which enables me to identify gaps in services, to influence a prospective Labour government to deliver progressive change. The Cost of Living and Climate Crises, as well as dilapidated public services, are damaging our communities so we must use this opportunity to restore faith in our residents; a Labour government cannot allow people to be choosing between heating and eating.
I’m proud to be supported by the Centre- Left Grassroots Alliance and Momentum and urge you to support John Bowden, Fianna Hornby, Evangeline Walker and Antonia Shipley (Youth Position).

Claire Reid

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

There has never been a more vital time to make sure Labour Party policy is based on both social justice and financial integrity.

We as members, Trade Unionists, Councillors and MPs are facing the fight of our lives at the next General Election, and one that could see us have a Labour Prime Minister for the first time in nearly two decades.

My 14 years (and counting!) as Labour Councillor for Denton South has showed me how much our communities desperately need the change that only a Labour Government can bring.

We have one chance to put forward a manifesto that is both steeped in the fairness that I know us members so passionately defend, but one than can also see Keir Starmer elected to Downing Street.

For the past two years I have relished the opportunity to help do exactly this as one of your North West CLP reps on the National Policy Forum.

I would be honoured to continue to represent you through this crucial process and would be delighted to again receive your vote for NPF Representative.

Please also vote for Sam Corcoran, Connor Dwyer and Nathalie Nicholas.

Cathy Reynolds

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I believe that this country needs a strong Labour Government with a cohesive policy agenda which delivers the fair and equal society which we all want to see. I was a Strategic Policy Manager in Local Government for over 20 years so have a great deal of policy development experience to offer the party through the National Policy Forum. The big issues facing the country, climate change, the state of the economy, the cost of living and the wealth gap need clear policy directions which work together to deliver workable solutions across the board. Public Services are broken, kept going by the dedicated work of the millions of public employees, and the economy is in tatters. Fixing it all, within a tight fiscal envelope, will need big solutions which make the most of every available penny of public money. We will need to put people before profit.
I am not part of any faction within the party but will provide an unbiased assessment of all policy suggestions.
I was the Parliamentary candidate, in Eddisbury, in 2017, doubling the vote for Labour in what was a safe Tory constituency.
I am currently Chair of Chester South and Eddisbury CLP.

Leighton Sealeaf

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Candidate Statement

Evangeline Walker

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Candidate Statement

I joined the Labour Party because I wanted to help build a movement that develops bold solutions to the issues facing the country.

In my CLP, I regularly contribute to discussions on the key policy challenges with a particular interest in housing and equalities. At meetings of our Women’s Branch, I’ve heard from women from all walks of life who’ve fought injustice and misogyny, and learned from their campaigns fighting against these issues. Chairing my university Labour Club has provided me with the organisation and communication skills required for the NPF.

As a committed member of Unite, I’ve stood on picket lines alongside striking workers: if elected, I’ll be uncompromising in my support for our policy offer for workers and in particular, delivering the New Deal for Working People in full. In government, we must also ensure a fair green transition and revitalised public services.
If elected, I will always put members first, ensuring that they’re able to hold me accountable. It would be a privilege to represent you on the NPF.

I’m proud to be supported by Momentum and the Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance and urge you to support Sangita Patel, Fianna Hornby, John Bowden and Antonia Shipley (youth position).

John Wiseman

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Candidate Statement

As a Labour activist for over 25 years, I have held the positions of CLP Chair, Secretary, Vice-Chair One and Two, TULO officer, and many more. As a local councillor for over six years, I was able to take part in the scruitiny process as well as represent my community as a local Governor of three schools. As a chair of scruitiny as well as the Labour group for my council and the Liverpool City Region Transport Committee, I was seen as a leader, facilitating policy discussions. As an active member of Unite’s National Political Committee, I believe trade unions must be at the centre of activity and policy making in the party. Also as a former member of the National Policy Forum, I have contributed to policy ahead of elections. As a regional executive/board member of the party in the North West for many years I have dealt with the positives and negatives of democracy. Overall I feel we need representatives that listen and deliver for their members. I promise to communicate on regular basis encourage more diversity in representation in all levels in our party and overall be accountable. Be wise, nominate and vote for John Wiseman

Leighton Sealeaf

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Antonia Shipley

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Candidate Statement

My life was changed by labour power in Manchester, from a council house in Ashton-Under-Lyne, losing my father and caring for my mum, I believed that aspirations were never really for kids like me, but the incredible work of Burnham and the council enabled me to travel to a top sixth form college, which ultimately brought me to university and has enriched me in ways I couldn’t have dreamt of.

I’ve experienced what Labour in power can do for young people, and I hope to have a role in expanding that power, ensuring that kids like me are able to realise their aspirations. The voices of young people, the next generation, will be indispensable at the next election.

We need to stand united across the North West, pushing for better, more affordable transport and housing for young people, advocating for more investment in our education system, and fundamentally better opportunities for young people in our region, so the incredible amount of talent we have here, stays here. Our voices must be seen, heard and embraced.

I’m proud to be supported by the Centre- Left Grassroots Alliance and urge you to support John Bowden, Fianna Hornby, Evangeline Walker and Sangita Patel.

Bella Simpson

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Candidate Statement

In the North West we have a long history of standing in solidarity with one another. I am proud to be from Liverpool and proud to be a part of our movement. For far too long northern communities have been too often forgotten. Years of Tory neglect and austerity have seen our public services decimated and levels of inequality grow. Our strongest way of fighting back against this damaging Tory Government is a Labour Government.

I am an active party member, and trade unionist. In 2021 I served as the Oxford Labour Club’s Campaigns Officer, and then Co-Chair later on. I set up campaign days, visited CLPs country wide and looked for new ways to get more students involved. These experiences meant that I was fortunate enough to work with incredible young activists and hear their desire for change.

I am passionate about Labour’s New Deal for Working People. Higher wages, improved working conditions and the strengthening of individual, and collective, rights are examples of the type of change we desperately need and must continue to fight for, in all aspects of policy. I will fight for that, for policies that will change and improve lives for the better.

Hannah Cousins

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Candidate Statement

On the NPF, I hope to promote member democracy, push for transformative socialist policies and ensure Labour in government enacts meaningful, long-lasting change.

I’ve been active in the Labour Party for 9 years; mobilising and empowering young members as CLP Youth Officer, organising canvassing sessions as campaign co-ordinator and currently as my local branch chair.

As a committed trade unionist, serving as secretary for my Unite branch and previously Women’s Officer, I know how invaluable the link between the trade unions and Labour is. Having worked in the hospitality and transport industries and witnessing how our rights at work have been eroded under this Conservative government, it is crucial that an incoming Labour government delivers a New Deal for Working People and a Green Transition; pushing for these will be my top priorities.

It’s vital for CLPs across the region to be engaged with and contributing to our policy forum, and to be updated regularly by their representatives. I’ll always be accessible and transparent if I am elected.

I’m proud to be supported by Momentum and the Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance (CLGA). Please also nominate and vote for Samantha Townsend, Dave Ray, Rochelle Charlton-Laine and Joshua Freestone (Youth Position).

Luke Henman

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Candidate Statement

I’m a passionate Labour and trade union activist with a track record of formulating policy in our region.

I joined Labour at 16 and have campaigned hard for our candidates at all levels, including as a Party organiser and, as volunteer campaign co-ordinator in Middlesbrough, leading the award-winning campaign which won back the Mayor’s office in 2023.

I’m an active trade unionist, having worked as a regional official for UNISON. I’ve seen what the Tories have done to public services; the scale of what needs fixing is huge and we need to make sure our Party has the policies to meet that challenge.

I’ve worked at the heart of local government in our region as Mayoral advisor in Middlesbrough – developing policies that deliver on our shared values. I currently work in the social housing sector. I would bring all this experience to the NPF.

Our region was central to past Labour Governments – and should be again. Our members have insights and ideas that will form a winning policy platform and build a better Britain – I’ll make sure their views are represented.

Please also support Georgia Jamieson, Michael Mordey and Melanie Morley, with Jacob Cousens for Youth Rep.

Georgia Jamieson

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Candidate Statement

I joined Labour and the GMB as a teenager, actively campaigning for Labour across the UK. As an NPF youth representative between 2008-2011, I advocated for mandatory pay audits in the public and private sector; votes at 16 and an equalised minimum wage which would have ensured equal pay for equal work.

I’ve worked in construction and services sectors to promote better opportunities for apprentices, and with educators, trade bodies and businesses to encourage more young girls to pursue STEM qualifications and careers. I’ve led internal colleague networks to improve maternity policies, and pursued changes in policy and attitudes to enable LGBT+ colleagues to be 100% themselves at work. In financial services, I’ve advocated to improve local, regional and national infrastructure to improve connectivity, productivity and job opportunities across the North.

Labour must win the General Election to tackle the cost of living crisis caused by 14 years of chaotic Conservative government. The NPF’s work over the last 4 years will deliver a manifesto that will lead us to win in the polls. We must stay focused on developing policies for Labour’s second term to transform communities across the UK.

Please also nominate Michael Mordey, Luke Henman and Michelle Morley.

Rochelle Laine

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Candidate Statement

I have witnessed first-hand many atrocities within the education system as a teacher under this tory government. I’ve been on strike to demand better pay and conditions and I give my full support to those in similar circumstances.
As a county councillor, I’ve fought to support our poorest families that are being left behind; to bring them with us, we need a more equitable distribution of wealth. I also ensure wide, transparent communication in my role as labour Group Communications & Engagement Officer.

In the past two years as an NPF rep, I’ve helped shape policies to ensure better public provision of dental care and stronger support for SEN students; I hope a Labour government will go even further.

I hold myself and others accountable whilst evaluating how best to move forward successfully, because I believe listening to grassroots voices should be central to any worthwhile policy development. This will also be helped by passion for equality, diversity, and inclusivity. Working together we achieve more than we achieve alone.

I’m proud to be supported by the Centre- Left Grassroots Alliance and Momentum and urge you to nominate and vote for Hannah Cousins, Dave Ray, Samantha Townsend, and Joshua Freestone (youth position).

Michael Mordey

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Candidate Statement

I would be honoured to have your support to be one of your representatives on the National Policy Forum from the Northern Region.

I am a member in Sunderland Central CLP and have been an active member of the Labour Party for over 20 years.

I am currently secretary of my local branch and CLP. I have been a local councillor on Sunderland City Council since 2008.

I am standing for election to the NPF as I want to ensure that members across our region have a strong voice within our policy making process. I believe I have the relevant skills and experience to enable me to play an active role on behalf of all members, ensuring that your voice is heard within the NPF.

It is an exciting time to be a member of the Labour Party. The party is only as strong as you our passionate and dedicated members and it would be a privilege to represent you on the NPF.

As well as supporting myself, I would be grateful if you could also support Luke Henman, Georgia Jamieson and Melanie Morley as well as Jacob Cousens for Youth Rep.

Melanie Morley

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Candidate Statement

I am a hardworking, driven mother of 4 children and grandmother whom grew up in the Royal Air Force living in Germany , however this transient way of life and the sacrifices I saw my father make, took its toll and we moved back to my parents’ home town of Hartlepool, Teesside . I’ve successfully completed the Labour Party Parliamentary Candidate Programme and in May 2022 I was elected as a councillor for the Foggy Furze Ward, Hartlepool. I am currently a committee member for Planning, Finance and Policy, Constitution and a member of the North East Employers’ Forum whilst being an active member of UNISON.

I have a thirst for knowledge and an energy; I achieve results. Previously I worked as a retail shop assistant, domestic violence manager and in the construction industry, I now earn a living as a Legal Aid Court of Protection solicitor; giving the vulnerable a voice when they have been deprived of their liberty .I am a dedicated legal mentor on the North East Solicitor Apprenticeship Programme in conjunction with Northumbria University, offering opportunities to the brightest of students, bridging the gap of inequality whilst enhancing diversity and inclusion.

Please also vote Luke Henman

David Ray

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Candidate Statement

My name is David Ray, and I am a Labour Borough Councillor in Darlington. As well as this, I work in Telecommunications, and I am an Industrial Relations Rep for the Communication Workers Union. I believe this puts me in a great position to be able to represent a large portion of Labour’s support base and membership. I work daily in my role as a councillor and a trade unionist, to shout about the values so many Labour Party members hold dear.

I strive to champion our party, and the election of a Labour Government is what drives me. I want to take up the role, so I can play a bigger part in how we shape this party, so we can make a difference to people’s lives in the North of England and the rest of the country, with progressive and transformative policies on things such as enhancing workers’ rights, ending poverty/economic inequality, building more social housing, community wealth building, and addressing climate change.

I’m proud to be supported by the Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance, CLPD, and Momentum and I urge you to nominate and vote for Hannah Cousins, Rochelle Charlton-Laine, Samantha Townsend and Joshua Freestone (youth position).

Samantha Townsend

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Candidate Statement

My name is Samantha and I am a serving councillor representing Shildon and Dene Valley, a community in South West Durham which has suffered terribly from over a decade of Tory decline.

I’m a socialist and a trade unionist, with a keen interest in education as well as the rights of disabled people and their carers. As the Labour Party enters government I’m keen to ensure policy reflects the needs of communities like the one I represent to ensure we can never fall to the Tories across the Red Wall again.

Having held many positions within the local constituency party, including secretary and chair, I recognise and value the voice of members and truly believe that we are at our best when we build from the grassroots. As a councillor I know that there is an art to compromise, I am pragmatic and reasonable but will always make a robust case for my values.

I am proud to be supported by the CLGA and Momentum. Hannah Cousins, Dave Ray, Rochelle Charlton-Laine, and Joshua Freestone (Youth Position). We’ll be a strong team working together to ensure that the NPF considers a wide range of policy platforms and remains accountable to members.

Jacob Cousens

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Candidate Statement

As a young person who comes from a single-parent family, I see the devastating impact of the Tories’ vicious austerity programme around me every day. We need a radical Labour government to transform the lives of young people across our country. Young Labour members are the lifeblood of our movement and have a vital role to play in the election of the next Labour government. We need to energise young members to campaign for Labour in every corner of our region and that means working hard to re-establish Young Labour groups and having a genuinely democratic and transparent NPF. Harnessing an active campaigning culture, where Young Labour members are at the forefront of campaigning for genuinely transformational change both inside and outside the party will be essential if we are to win the next general election. Likewise, young members are so much more than just campaigning tools and should have access to a strong package of political education forums from working-class history to trade union education events. I’m proud to be standing alongside a broad coalition of trade unionists and Labour activists committed to winning a Labour government.

Joshua Freestone

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Candidate Statement

I’m Josh Freestone, a proud member of City of Durham CLP and the Northern Rep on the national labour students committee. I am delighted to be standing for NPF North Youth representative.

As the Labour Party approaches Government, we have a historic opportunity to use state power and set a progressive policy agenda. The NPF will become a critical organ of party democracy and the fight for democratic socialist programs. After 40 years of failed neoliberal orthodoxy and an increasingly vicious Conservative party, a transformative Labour Government has never been so needed.

On the NPF, I would champion Labour’s New Deal for Working People which will win rights for workers across the economy, fundamentally shifting the balance of power in the workplace. I will also push for a just and green transition in the face of the climate crisis and a compassionate immigration policy, defending the rights of migrants against the Tories’ despicable Rwanda plan.
It would be an immense privilege to have your support.

I’m proud to be supported by the Centre- Left Grassroots Alliance and Momentum and urge you to nominate and vote for Hannah Cousins, Rochelle Charlton-Laine, Dave Ray and Samantha Townsend.

Finn Beyts

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Candidate Statement

I am standing for the National Policy Forum to give Scottish members a clear voice in shaping our policies ahead of the General Election and, hopefully, for the next Labour government.
I have been a Labour Party activist for a decade, sat on my CLP executive, and was the co-lead of Glasgow Labour for a Green New Deal. I coordinated the Labour presence for the COP26 climate march and led my university Labour Club to join UCU members on the picket line.
In addition, I have served for four years on the Scottish Co-op Party’s executive as a representative for young members in our sister party, as well as the Scottish representative on the Youth Network’s executive.
Working in the public sector, I have seen workers undervalued and underpaid – with vital work subcontracted out and our public services being used for private profit. It’s these lived experiences that have made me a committed socialist.
The NPF has a pivotal role in shaping the policies of the next Labour Government. I want to use my voice to help bring about the change our country needs and fight for better public services, so we can deliver real change that can help everyone.

Anna Dyer

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Candidate Statement

Labour winning the next General Election will face a 14 year Tory legacy of a divided government presiding over vast economic decline with rampant profiteering, Covid mismanagement, get rich quick schemes for the wealthy leaving an impoverished majority, a disintegrating NHS, and near bankrupt local government . The SNP Government is no better. Tory-lite policies will not fix this nor keep Labour in power. Labour needs radical and socialist policies to deal with the cost of living crisis, stop NHS privatisation and properly fund public services.
The NPF must stand against austerity . Plans for future government are appearing without mention of the NPF or community involvement -big business and SMEs are included. To stay in power we need true inclusive party democracy. Labour has reduced the Annual Women’s Conference to an afterthought and eliminated the Disability and BME conferences.
Relevant Experience.
NPF member 2022-4
NCC Chair 1918-1921
Former Holyrood List candidate
Recently elected Secretary, Glasgow Labour Women’s Forum.
Chair of major Development Trust with over 60 all permanent staff in Scotland’s most deprived area. Voluntary Sector Network Elected Representative on Glasgow City Council Community Planning Partnership.
Project manager for the EU in the transitional economies of Eastern Europe.

Scott Hartles

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Candidate Statement

I am a passionate working-class trade unionist and a postal worker. I am passionate about both protecting our public services, as well as investing into our public services. Labour can win the next general election. However, we cannot get complacent.

Labour needs to be radical in policy. We need to grow the new deal for workers. We need to focus on supporting the trade union movement in growing membership. We need a radical housing strategy that takes all options into account; not everyone can buy a home, we need an affordable alternative. We need to support devolvement of employment law. And we need to have a radical green policy that will protect the planet for future generations.

A Labour government needs to invest in local government to rebuild our communities. We have all seen the devastating effects of the Tory and SNP cuts, Labour needs to reverse this and be the party that the people need. Labour needs to stand on a manifesto that pledges to abolish the House of Lords, such as considering the recommendation from the Brown Commission and create a second elected house.

This is what I will stand for on the National Policy Forum.

Stuart MacLennan

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Candidate Statement

I have been a Scottish Labour Party activist for over two decades, campaigning in dozens of constituencies the length and breadth of Scotland. For the past seven years, I have served as Secretary of Moray CLP.

As a member of the NPF for the past two years, I have sought to be an effective voice for grassroots members. I have attended every local meeting to which I have been invited, and organised a number of events to ensure that ordinary members have their say in the policy process.

In 2026, we will be fighting elections to the Scottish Parliament. We need to ensure that our party’s platform reflects the Scottish Labour Party’s priorities, and that we are focussed on delivering an agenda to win the Scottish Parliament elections in 2026.

In my professional life, I am an Associate Professor specialising in law and taxation. In addition to being a voice for members, I believe that I bring knowledge and experience of policy development, as well new ideas from the latest policy research to the NPF. I want to use my wide network of academic colleagues to help us develop a modern, bold, ambitious programme for government.

Michelle McGinty

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Candidate Statement

Prior to joining the Labour Party in 2012, I was a spokesperson for the C-Diff Justice Group. I listened to the views of the families, carried out independent research, and effectively challenge NHSGGC Board and the Scottish Government to secure a Public Inquiry. Through the lessons learned we influenced Scottish Government policy.

As a mother of six, I am used to multi-tasking and had to balance my family life with my councillor duties, campaigning, battling cancer, and still managed to gain a Law Degree at Glasgow University,

My main roles in the Council are Deputy Leader, Chair of the HSCP, and I serve on the NHSGGC Health Board. In these roles I attend weekly leadership meetings, pre-agenda meetings for political committees of the Council and the HSCP, along with NHS Board seminars. These all involve policy development, scrutiny and challenge.

I am confident that if chosen as your representative on the National Policy Forum, I can make a positive contribution towards our policy development. I understand the importance of making sure that party members have an effective voice, and your views are reflected in policy making.

Please also support Heather Brannan-McVey, Ben Proctor, Stuart MacLennan, and Brooke Ritchie.

Heather Brannan-McVey

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Candidate Statement

I believe our shared Labour values will bring the change our country needs. We have been so badly damaged by toxic policies of the Tories and the SNP. Policies of division and austerity. I believe a Labour Government in the UK is needed to reinvigorate our country and will bring the change we all need.
I am a grassroots member of our party. I have been a councillor since 2012 as I believe in Labour led governance at all levels. I am a European and a representative of the Council of Europe Congress of Regional Local Authorities elected from the Convention Of Scottish Local Authorities. Our relationship with Europe is essential post Brexit but so are the relationships of a vibrant interconnected UK.
The NPF provides an opportunity for members to work together at the heart of policy making. We need to demonstrate our values in action so our members are motivated by our party’s vision of change. Being clear about what we stand for and what we do not. Shaping our party’s future is shaping our countries future. To work towards a Labour Government that delivers for the British people across our home nations.
I promise to communicate regularly with CLPs.
I encourage you to vote for me, Michelle McGinty, Ben Proctor, Stuart MacLennan, and Brooke Ritchie.

Ben Paterson

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Candidate Statement

Labour may win the next election, but we can never rest on our laurels. We must deliver real progressive and transformative structural change the country desperately needs. With the Tories taking an authoritarian turn, we need to make the case for expanding democracy more than ever.

The NPF is the Party’s democratic policymaking body, but it remains poorly understood. Most members don’t even know it exists and during the last consultation, representatives couldn’t be contacted directly, which is a major accountability issue. If elected, I would always seek to be accountable to and represent members and be contactable.

In addition to my public policy masters and being my CLP’s policy officer for the last few years, since November 2022, I have been running the Edinburgh Policy Forum, a local policy group to provide more grassroots opportunities in policymaking. I would take this experience and democratic outlook to the NPF.

We need long-term policymaking that doesn’t just chase votes but shapes the electorate by giving them a stake in our policies. If elected, my key priorities would be democratic political reform, investing in common and worker ownership, green public industrial and infrastructure development, and developing redistributive tax and welfare systems.

Ben Procter

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Candidate Statement

For the last decade I have been a proud member of the Scottish Labour Party, campaigning tirelessly to advocate for a progressive future for our nation, even in the face of constitutional division.

Serving as a member of Labour’s Scottish Executive Committee representing the Co-operative Party since 2021 and as a CLP Secretary from 2016 – 2022, I have long sought to ensure that the voices of our members are not only heard but amplified.

After 14 years of Tory chaos and 17 years of SNP mismanagement, Scotland is crying out for change. It is vital that our voices are heard and perspectives integrated into UK Labour’s national policy framework.

As your representative on the NPF, I will be a dedicated, accessible advocate for members across Scotland and beyond. Together, we can build a more equal, prosperous future for everyone in our nation, grounded in Labour’s democratic socialist principles and responsive to our communities’ needs.

Let’s work together to shape policies that reflect the aspirations and challenges of Scots across our country as we head into not just this election, but the 2026 Holyrood election.

Please also support Heather Brannan-McVey, Stuart MacLennan, Michelle McGinty & Brooke Ritchie (youth)

Daniel Ganley

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Candidate Statement

if I got this role of youth representative Scotland I would make sure young people have the say on who runs the government for this year may general election and the more seats we get we can get rid of the Scottish Tories with your help and keep vote labour and we will do our best to make Scotland a better and cleaner place.

Brooke Ritchie

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Candidate Statement

My name is Brooke Ritchie and I’m a member of East Lothian CLP and the GMB Union, and I am a councillor for Preston-Seton-Gosford.

As the Young Person’s Champion at my council and an SEC youth rep, I spend most of my time pushing for the voices of young people to be heard, particularly when it comes to shaping our policy platform with young people in mind.

A key area of interest for me is education, and I am especially passionate about positive outcomes and excellent opportunities for all young people. I have promised to make this a priority for my work as a councillor and will similarly make it a priority if re-elected to the NPF.

On the NPF last year I put in amendments to extend help-to-buy support to all first time buyers, and fought hard on social security reform and securing jobs in the NE as part of the Just Transition.

It is so important that members are involved in forming and shaping our policy, especially those who are often underrepresented in politics. I will fight to amplify these voices and experiences so they are heard in the debate and can be seen in our manifesto.

Alexa Collins

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Candidate Statement

Working in local government, I am well aware of the choices councils need to make in policy development and service delivery during tough economic circumstances. As the prospect of a Labour Government becomes reality, we have the opportunity for our policies to dramatically improve the lives of everyone in this country; policies desperately needed by so many.

With a background in central and local government finance, I have a strong, relevant skill set to contribute to effective policy development for the Labour Party and I am driven to contribute wherever I can to make positive change.

As well as being a Labour activist, I have been a CLP chair, Secretary, Treasurer and I Chaired the Local Campaign Forum for several years, making it possible for every ward in my council area to field Labour candidates for the first time ever and give every voter the opportunity to vote Labour. I campaign for fair school admissions which is particularly relevant in much of the South East region. I am also a parish councillor.
I’m proudly endorsed by the Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance and Momentum. Please also nominate and vote for: Kiran Khan, Therese Mackay, and Charlie Wilson.

Sam D’Arcy-Darling

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Candidate Statement

I am the LGBTQ+ and Disabilities Officer for Reading Central CLP. I am a member of TSSA.

I have experience working on a range of public policy issues including drugs policy, health policy, housing policy, and I specialise in equalities, transport and education policy. I’ve had the privilege of living abroad where I served as a local government human rights watchdog. I was educated in a special school, as a child was in the care system, and was the first in my family to achieve a university qualification.

I strongly believe that a Labour Government must be built on people-focused policy objectives. This is the only way we will be able to build a more productive and prosperous Britain. Our policies must acknowledge where people are, from the position they’re seated in. We must act to not only equalise opportunity but move forward with proportionate equity measures to uplift communities across our country that have been left far behind for far too long. I believe in public policy that gives a hand up and requires once at the top, giving a hand to uplift others.

Parmjit Dhanda

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Candidate Statement

Labour in government must draw on our members knowledge and experience on policy to make Britian better. On the National Policy Forum I used my experience as a foot soldier, former MP and minister to influence the national policy document on behalf of our members.
This included successfully moving amendments to: increase our focus on undervalued workers in the primary care sector of the NHS; create a renewed focus on nutritional standards for school meals and ensuring the term ‘institutionalised racism’ was embedded in the final policy document.
I worked with colleagues, shadow ministers, Unite and GMB to ensure that greener aviation fuels were debated and incorporated in policy, and that electoral reform was discussed and not dismissed.
But, at this crucial time, there is much still to be done.
I believe our collective wisdom, ability to compromise and listen – to the electorate and our members alike – could make the coming period a very successful one for our party. If you re-elect me to the National Policy Forum, I will continue to work on policy in an inclusive manner.
Please also nominate Duncan Enright, Pavitar Mann, Sharon Mintoff, and Lundy MacKenzie.

Duncan Enright

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Candidate Statement

Together we can win and transform Britain, putting an end to a decade of Tory failure, aided by Lib Dems in coalition, at huge cost to our country. It falls to Labour again to bring social justice and fairness back to politics.
I am proud of the work we have done on the Policy Forum. Please support me to continue that work. As an Oxfordshire councillor I have applied Labour values to combat key challenges: rampant inequalities, cost of living crisis, climate emergency, decaying democracy. I support our high streets as a bedrock of local economy and society, and to build a new transport system. I fight for new homes including good social housing, and green energy including solar and wind, often against NIMBY pressure from other parties.
On the Policy Forum I supported the best new package for people at work in a generation, alongside union colleagues. I continue to argue for a fairer voting system, as members across the Party asked me to do. I enjoy meeting members across the country, and welcome invitations to come and campaign or discuss policy issues.
Please also nominate Parmjit Dhanda, Pavitar Mann, Sharon Mintoff, and Lundy MacKenzie as Youth Rep.

Harm-Jan Fricke

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Candidate Statement

I am not a dyed-in-the-wool politico, just occasionally involved in the work of my branch and constituency. If that is a shortcoming, in making a contribution to the NPF what may make up for that is my interest in exploring policies that enable economic equity, social justice, environmental sustainability and public involvement in decision making.

Putting policy meat to the bones of such issues is a key task for a progressive party aiming to transform society. This requires responding to often conflicting issues, including addressing short term challenges (e.g. the cost of living crisis, the dismal state of our physical and social infrastructures) within the context of fundamental, longer term problems, including the ecological crises, the economic inequalities that hamper our collective wellbeing, the need to improve our democracy and the lack of an education system that enables all to lead fulfilling lives.

My work in the UK, in Europe and elsewhere, using education methods that explore and respond to local and global issues, would, I hope, offer useful experiences to the NPF. I worked with a diverse range of people in developing shared responses. For more information see www.linkedin/in/hjfricke.

Kiran Khan

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Candidate Statement

I bring a deep understanding of the challenges facing working families. Coming from a working-class background myself, I understand intimately the struggles and aspirations of ordinary people. My personal experiences have shaped my commitment to fighting for policies that prioritise social justice, economic redistribution, and equal opportunities for all.

I have a proven track record of grassroots activism and community organising. I’ve been actively involved in numerous campaigns advocating for progressive causes. I’ve been a Labour Member since 2017 and a Councillor since 2021 and during this time, I have advocated for transformative policies that reflect Labour values.

The next Labour government needs to take bold action on many issues facing the country such as housing, austerity, NHS and lack of funding for public services and local councils. I’ll fight for Labour to adopt policies to tackle these challenges we face.

As a member of Labour’s National Policy Forum, I will work tirelessly to ensure that the voices of ordinary members are heard and reflected in the party’s policy agenda.

I’m proud to be supported by Momentum and the Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance (CLGA), please also nominate and vote for Theresa Mackey, Charlie Wilson, and Alexa Collins.

Oliver Kurt

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I believe that I am a sting contender to be a youth representative for the NEC. I am 16 years of age and currently study government and politics, philosophy, and history and would like to pursue a career in politics standing with the labour party in which I have been a member of for six months. I am also currently completing work experience at my local council and shadowing a labour councillor there.

Pavitar Kaur Mann

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I’ve been a councillor since 2010 and have served as Chair of Scrutiny, Cabinet Member and Deputy Leader of the Council. I am currently Leader of the Labour Group. I am a Parish Councillor and was the parliamentary candidate for Spelthorne in 2019. I proudly serve as Armed Forces Champion and sit on the Pan Berkshire Civil-Military Board. I am a member of GMB and the Co-Operative Party. Additionally, I’ve served on the SE Regional Executive since 2021. I’m active in my CLP, having served as EC and GC delegate and branch secretary. I previously worked as a Campaign Organiser and have campaigned extensively throughout the country. I’m committed to playing my role in securing a Labour government, as that’s the only way to deliver the transformational change that’s required in our country. Labour’s founding principles of equality, fairness and social justice must be at the heart of everything we seek to achieve. I am particularly passionate about housing, increasing the supply, quality and security of homes, embedding the voice of care-leavers and care-experienced people, guaranteeing good quality services to our armed forces and veterans and the increased recognition of the role and benefits of kinship carers.

Sharon Mintoff

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I have served as a Labour councillor for Swaythling on Southampton City Council from 2012 to 2021 and since May 2023, I therefore recognise the importance of a strong Labour presence in local government, to mitigate the damage done to our communities by the Tory government.
As a councillor, I played an active part in the implementation of the Additional Licensing Scheme for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) in Southampton, which drove up the standards of said HMOs.
Since May 2023, I have been Chair of the Labour Group, which numbers 37 members (out of 51).
I am a member of Community Trade Union.
I am in my 3rd year as Chair of Romsey & Southampton North CLP.
Please also vote for Parmjit Dhanda, Duncan Enright, Lundy MacKenzie and Pavitar Mann.

Nick Palmer

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

We need reasonable, fully-funded policies that will achieve lasting improvements to our society and the world around us. We need a clear sense of direction, with priority given to:
* reducing NHS waiting lists
* funding our schools adequately
* facilitating genuinely affordable housing
* addressing poverty: food banks should not be needed in today’s Britain.
* returning to the 0.7% target for international aid by the end of the next Parliament.
I support our strong commitment to net zero and the green economy and am on the Executive of the Labour Animal Welfare Society.
I have a long history of detailed policy work, serving on the Treasury, Justice and European Affairs Select Committees as well as being PPS to the Energy, Science and Defra Ministers. I have a PhD in mathematics and speak six languages.
I served as MP for Broxtowe (Notts) from 1997-2010, as the only Labour MP the constituency has ever had. I am currently chair of Didcot and Wantage CLP, where we also look forward to having the first Labour MP. I don’t believe in factionalism and have served each Labour leadership loyally, while reserving the right to speak out on individual policies.

Neeraj Patil

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I support proportional representation and fair Parliamentary selections. I don’t represent any of the blocs, I’m proud to call myself an independent grassroots Labour activist who believes in empowering our CLPs and membership in our party’s policy-making.

I am an active member and campaigner of the Labour Party for 20 years. I have served as Lambeth Councillor for eight years and was Mayor of Lambeth from 2010 to 2011. As a Parliamentary candidate in 2017, I reduced the Conservative majority from 10180 to 1554, achieving a 10.8 % swing.

I believe in zero-tolerance toward Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, anti-Hinduism, and racial discrimination

I’m an A&E doctor who served the NHS for 30 years. I have worked on the frontlines during the COVID-19 pandemic.

I’m standing for the NPF because I want a united Labour Party to win the next General elections and design a policy addressing the cost-of-living crisis, creating green jobs, rebuilding our economy, reviving our NHS, and investing in our schools and local government to empower our communities.

Please support me in contributing my political and medical experience and getting our NHS back on its feet.

DR. Neeraj Patil, MBBS, FRCS, MRCS, FCEM
Consultant in A&E
Former Mayor of Lambeth

Jordan Sears

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

Charles Wilson

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

My journey within the party, where I’ve served as a councillor and now CLP chair, has been characterised by a deep-seated desire for social justice, the pursuit of equality and an unwavering commitment to socialist principles.

We stand on the brink of government, and my focus will be ensuring that our party’s policies reflect our core values of fairness, solidarity, and community and address the challenges of our time.

Climate change, economic inequality, and the preservation of public services require bold and visionary policies that can transform our society into one that is more sustainable, equitable, and inclusive. The NPF plays a pivotal role in shaping these policies, and I’m committed to bringing a fresh, progressive perspective to its deliberations.

By amplifying the voices of our grassroots, engaging with all stakeholders, and harnessing the rich diversity of our party, I believe we can craft a radical and achievable policy agenda. Together, we can build a future that transforms our values into a lived reality for all.

I’m proud to be supported by Momentum and the Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance (CLGA). Please nominate and vote for Theresa Mackey, Kiran Khan, and Alexa Collins.

Lundy Mackenzie

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I was born under a Labour government but educated under a Conservative one. I joined the Labour Party at 17 because I was fed up at the Tories neglect of our education system and excited about the prospect of Labour in power. I am running for NPF to push for progressive policies that will ensure that young people, like myself, will have every opportunity under a Labour government.

I am a student, so I know first hand that many of us can’t afford another Conservative government. Whether that is because of soaring rental costs, an underfunded NHS or the mountain of student debt, young people are crying out for change.

As a previous Chair of Brighton & Hove Young Labour, CLP Exec member and incoming South East Rep on the Young Labour National Committee, I know what it takes to advocate for young people within the party and that is exactly what I will do if elected to the NPF. I will work with CLP Youth Officers and our region‘s young members, to ensure that our voice is at the forefront of our party‘s policy platform.

Please also nominate Duncan Enright, Pavitar Mann, Sharon Mintoff, and Parmjit Dhanda.

Marina Asvachin

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I’ve been a Devon County Councillor for 7 years & a City Councillor for my home City of Exeter for 2. I currently chair the Labour group on the former & am chair of the licensing committee on the latter. I also chaired our local branch for some years. I became a Councillor because I wanted to be able to help people, particularly in my own community which is extremely diverse but also with significant pockets of deprivation.

I’m currently the organiser for our ward for this year’s local elections. I worked for the NHS as a Clinical Technologist for over 20 years where I was a Unite Rep. I now belong to the Unite Community Branch & am trained as a Companion Rep. I am also a governor at my local nursery school and chair of trustees at our Community Centre.

I pledge to always fight for equal opportunities for all, democracy, the environment, and the best education & healthcare we deserve. We must also ensure the New Deal for Working people is delivered fully.

I am extremely proud to have the support of the Centre-left Grassroots alliance and Momentum. I urge you to also support Jane Begley and Ada Gravatt (Youth position).

Jane Begley

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

My professional life’s been spent working with children and young people in various mental health settings. Whilst raising my daughter single-handedly, I trained & worked as a child psychotherapist in NHS CAMHS. Currently, I work with kids in care, who’ve survived severe neglect & abuse.

I frequently draw upon the emotional intelligence that my mental health training has fine-tuned, as a city councillor in Exeter, representing a ward with swathes of social housing, deprivation, and residents with complex needs, and also as a trustee of the local community centre.

CLP positions held: Women’s Officer; LGBT+ Officer; Deputy Branch Chair; GC Branch Representative; Delegate to Annual Conference; Delegate to Women’s Conference.

Working in the NHS, I witnessed the devastating effects of austerity, with increasing demands and diminishing resources, with which to deliver frontline services. I remain fully committed to fighting for publicly funded health and social care services. The incompetence and corruption of successive Tory governments have made the path ahead challenging. However, I will always strive to support the disadvantaged and disenfranchised.

I am extremely proud to have the support of the Centre-left Grassroots Alliance and Momentum. I urge you to also support Marina Asvachin and Ada Gravatt (Youth Representative).

Christopher Cuddihee

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I’m standing to support Keir Starmer’s leadership to secure what we all hope will be an extended period of Labour government. I want to see Labour finally become the natural party of power in this country. I live, work and am a party member in Plymouth. I am a member of GMB and the Society of Labour Lawyers. I am a barrister. I intend to speak up for the South-West in National Policy Forum. I want to represent all our South-West members. We all know our region suffers a broken housing market, low pay, poor transport links, and too many young people leave to seek better career and educational prospects elsewhere. We don’t get our fair share here and we need to policies which deliver for the South-West, and which help us win in Cornwall, Plymouth, Bournemouth, Gloucester, Swindon, Bristol, Stroud, and North Somerset. Our region is and will continue to be a key General Election battleground. Please also vote for Judy Wilson, Jude Robinson, Ashley Smith, and also Katie Truman as Youth Representative.

Jude Robinson

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I am a Cornwall member, actively campaigning to win Parliamentary seats and support Keir Starmer into government so that we can make our progressive policies a reality, protect our environment and raise standards of living and quality of life. Policy means little without the power to make it happen.
Working with the other South West NPF members on the last cycle, we listened to members and stakeholders to put forward a wide range of policies relevant to local people, on issues from dentistry to biodiversity, from truly affordable homes to supporting the knowledge economy and the potential to invest in renewables across the region.
We held zooms and constituency discussions but in the fourth year of policy development, it was a very short window of engagement and I would like to expand on that work in the first year of the next NPF, which we hope will feed into the next Labour government – and the one after that.
I am a Labour and Co-operative member, a local councillor and have been an active campaigner in Cornwall and the South West since 1990. Please vote also for Ashley Smith, Chris Cudihee, Judy Wilson and Katie Truman (youth).

Ashley Smith

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

As a councillor and deputy-leader of my Labour group, I intend to use this platform to find policy solutions to the real issues facing our communities. This experience in local
government, and having served on the NPF for the past two years, empowers me to put members voices at the heart of Labour’s policymaking process.
Last year, I chaired an event at our South West Policy Conference in Taunton – with Kerry McCarthy – looking at environmental and scientific policy. I strongly believe that this sort of event, engaging members, is essential and if elected I will continue to develop member participation.
During my tenure I engaged extensively with charities, business, and academia, to make sure that the Labour Party is able to build a progressive future for our country. Labour must fight the next election with the strongest manifesto possible and prepare for a decade in government. For my part, I wish to continue on the NPF to champion our climate and nature recovery, promote British science to help address these challenges whilst growing the economy, and promote affordable housing for all.

Please support Judy Wilson, Jude Robinson and Chris Cuddihee, alongside Katie Truman as your youth representative.

Judy Wilson

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

Fourteen years of Tory government has resulted in a cost of living crisis, working people paying the price of a broken NHS and social care system, disabled people living in poverty and many women prevented from working due to lack of accessible, affordable childcare.

This year we have the chance to start putting that right but if we win, Labour must carry on listening to members to find radical, affordable and workable solutions.

23 years as a trade union representative in Bristol has taught me what we can achieve by working together.

I was proud to represent you last year on a promise to involve more members than ever and support dialogue across our region. As NPF representatives we held local and regional in person and online events. Working with CLP Policy Officers across Bristol and beyond I am taking this forward in a series of policy events.

I listened and raised your priorities in my work commission. We won a significant amendment at the final meeting in July, which now forms the basis of Labour’s commitment to NHS dentistry.

If you support me please also support Chris Cuddihee, Jude Robinson and Ashley Smith plus Katie Truman as Youth Representative.

Ada Gravatt

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I’m Ada Gravatt, an active member of the Bristol Central CLP and the University of Bristol Labour Society.

With the tangible prospect of a Labour Government with a sizable majority, it is incumbent upon us to ensure we grasp that opportunity and outline a progressive policy platform which can transform Britain and young people’s lives. The NPF has a pivotal role to play in advocating for the policies we need to bring about a fairer, greener future.

Within the NPF, I pledge to champion Labour’s New Deal for Working People in full, a comprehensive framework designed to secure enhanced rights for workers spanning various sectors of the economy. Moreover, I am committed to advocating for robust climate policies, fostering inclusivity within the party, particularly towards trans people, and vehemently opposing regressive migration policies such as the Conservative’s abhorrent Rwanda plan. I will also continue to advocate strongly for the abolition of tuition fees and an improved housing settlement, making sure our education system is accessible to all.

Securing your support would be an immense privilege. I am proud to have the backing of the Centre-left Grassroots alliance (CLGA) and ask you to also support Marina Asvachin and Jane Begley.

Angus Hedderwick

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

As the popularity of the Conservatives plummets those abandoning them who gave them their vote in 2019 are seeking alternatives, Labour needs to prove to the electorate that we are a viable alternative that can offer true advancement, only by promising real change and the advancement of the democratic socialist principles that have defined our greatest contributions to this country. It must be shown that great advances like the NHS are not a thing of the past and that Labour is the party of the future.

Should I be elected to the NPF I will dedicate myself to advancing the socialist principles of the party that brought victory under Attlee, Wilson and the end of the Tory majority in 2017. When we can, as a country, find ourselves economically solidified we can bring true social and economic advances to reverse the last 14 years of downturn.

Alex Hughes

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

Hello Labour Party! My name is Alex Hughes and I’m seeking nomination to be the Youth Representative in the South West. I am a 17 year old college student from Taunton who is very passionate about politics and social justice. I am currently studying Politics and have a huge interest in how to make the country better, regionally and nationally. Whilst my time in education, I have been a school councillor, a senior student and have campaigned for victims of sexual assault within schools and inclusivity. I believe I would be a great voice for younger members as our voices are very important as the future of this country. I want to encourage young people and give them the chance to put their problems to the forefront. I have been an active member in the labour party since the age of 14 – attending meetings on anti-semitism and election strategies. I have also been active around Taunton and the South West, it’s a lovely part of the UK and I would love to help improve it in any way I can! I really hope I get to meet more of you and I hope you consider me as your representative. Alex.

Katie Truman

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

My name is Katie Truman, my pronouns are she/her, and I’m thrilled to announce I am standing to be the South West Youth Representative on Labour’s National Policy Forum. I come from St Austell in Cornwall, and have lived in Exeter for the past four years, studying a Politics degree there, and now studying a master’s in Public Policy. My time as a student has been crucial in developing my involvement and understanding of the Labour Party, whether that was becoming the Women’s Officer and then Vice President of the University of Exeter Labour Society, attending my first Labour conference, becoming the Women’s Officer for Exeter Young Labour, and getting more involved in canvassing and encouraging many of my peers to campaign for local Labour candidates. These experiences make me a fantastic candidate to be the South West’s Youth Representative. Overall, my priorities are ensuring that I’m a voice for young members in the South West, putting their ideas forward in the forum, particularly focusing on policies to improve mental health provision for young people, and better support for young people during the cost-of-living crisis.

Chris Carter

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I am delighted to be standing as the CLP representative for the National Policy Forum following 15 years of activism. I am currently Vice Chair of Newport West and Islwyn CLP and the Chair of my fantastic local branch, having done the years of the hard yards many activists undergo before putting themselves forward for our NPF.

I am standing because we need to be loud and clear about the future we want for our party and for Wales. I have always approached any elected position in the party from the perspective that I am the voice of members to our party institutions, not the other way around.

I intend to continue that philosophy on the NPF.

By electing strong Welsh voices onto the NPF we can ensure:
• Members ideas form the bedrock of our party whatever the outcome of the next election
• Our policies are robust, practical and radical
• We continue to make the case for Wales and its place in the United Kingdom through our party’s structures and unlock our potential as a nation

Please vote for me, Sian Taylor, Lilith Ferris, and Jess Moultrie and we will continue to be the strong voice our party needs.

Dawn McGuinness

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I am a committed socialist and lifelong Labour voter. I was inspired to join the party in 2017 by the message of hope for a better future for the many, that shone through in that manifesto. I am a member of Unite the Union. I have been Treasurer for Bangor Aberconwy CLP since 2019 and have represented our CLP as their delegate at both UK and Welsh Conference. I was proud to be selected by our CLP as their candidate for the 2021 Senedd Election. I have also been a member of the Standing Orders Committee since 2019.
I was elected to the NPF in 2022 and worked hard during the NPF Weekend in Nottingham to ensure that our next manifesto is equally inspiring to the electorate at the next General Election. We need to ensure that it includes policies which will protect the most vulnerable in our society from the hardships that they currently face due to the cost of living crisis, and invest in and rebuild our public services following years of decimation under Tory austerity. I would appreciate the opportunity to continue this work.
Please also support Bethany Thomas (Youth), David Smith, Zoe Allan and Bel Loveluck-Edwards.

Jess Moultrie

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I’m seeking election to the NPF because I have the drive to help our party create progressive, effective policy that will change things for people who have been failed by 14 years of Conservative chaos.
I live with my family in social housing in Cardiff. I’ve seen at first-hand Tory austerity hurting my community. That’s what convinced me to stand for and win a seat on the city council. I wanted to defend our highly valued public services.
I joined the Children and Young Persons Scrutiny Committee. I’ve learned how to be an effective critical friend with the community’s interests at heart. I’ve also become a school governor, a role that has further improved my ability to make difficult decisions whilst keeping inclusivity, equality, and sustainability at the top of the agenda.
I’ve been a dedicated Labour member for nine years. I will use my experience as a campaigner, a councillor, a CLP women’s officer and a school governor to make and scrutinise policy for a fairer, stronger and greener country.
I seek your support alongside Chris Carter, Lillith Fenris and Sian Taylor. We will work together to provide a positive voice for Welsh members.

David Smith

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

A clear, robust, and experienced voice is needed to represent Welsh members on this UK-wide Labour policy forum. It also requires a good understanding of Welsh policy making, the ability to understand and reflect upon the diversity of policies across the four UK countries, and an ability to get the best outcome for Wales.

As a long-standing Party member, I played a lead role within my previous CLP, (Newport West), in drafting responses to each of the six NPF policy themes and subsequent amendments. If elected, I would look to have a radical and positive influence on UK-wide Labour Party policy and strengthen our future Senedd manifesto particularly to securing better, adequately funded, Welsh public services.

My experience as a Welsh citizen’s voice within the UK Food Standards Agency, the UK Co-operative Group’s Main Board, and the UK Healthcare professional standards body, also provides the breadth of experience needed to achieve change.

I would appreciate your vote and, if elected, promise to represent you by listening, encouraging, promoting, and supporting your voice on the NPF. I will report back on the progress made on your behalf. Please also support Bethany Thomas (Youth), Bel Loveluck-Edwards, Zoe Allan, and Dawn McGuinness.


Mae angen llais clir, cadarn, a phrofiadol i gynrychioli aelodau Cymru ar y fforwm polisi Llafur y DU. Mae hefyd yn gofyn am ddealltwriaeth dda o lunio polisïau Cymru, y gallu i ddeall a myfyrio ar yr amrywiaeth o bolisïau dros y pedair cenedl, ac i gael y canlyniad gorau i Gymru.

Fel aelod hirsefydlog o’r Blaid, chwaraeais rhan arweiniol yn fy CLP blaenorol, (Gorllewin Casnewydd), wrth ddrafftio ymatebion i bob un o’r chwech themâu polisi’r NPF a diwygiadau dilynol. Os caf fy ethol, byddwn yn edrych i gael dylanwad radical a chadarnhaol ar bolisi’r Blaid Lafur ledled y DU, a chryfhau maniffesto y Senedd yn y dyfodol, yn enwedig i sicrhau gwell gwasanaethau cyhoeddus Cymraeg, sydd wedi’u hariannu’n ddigonol.

Mae fy mhrofiad fel llais dinesydd Cymraeg o fewn Asiantaeth Safonau Bwyd y DU, Prif Fwrdd Grŵp Cydweithredol y DU, a chorff safonau proffesiynol Gofal Iechyd y DU, hefyd yn darparu’r ehangder o brofiad sydd ei angen i gyflawni newid.

Byddwn yn gwerthfawrogi eich pleidlais ac, os caf fy ethol, byddwn yn addo eich cynrychioli drwy wrando, calonogi, hyrwyddo a chefnogi eich llais ar yr NPF. Byddaf yn adrodd yn ôl ar y cynnydd wedi ei wneud ar eich rhan.

Sian Taylor

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I have been a Labour member since 1986 and am a member of Swansea West CLP.

I seek re-election to the NPF, having served since 2022. I am proud to have worked on developing a manifesto that can deliver a Labour win in 2024. That’s just the beginning. I want to contribute to policy development with Labour in power.

With Labour in power, we can achieve our aims for a fairer, more equal society.

I bring the experience of a 40+ year career in community nursing and a six-year term as an Oxford city councillor, where I served as group whip and sat on various committees and scrutiny groups. Since retirement, I’ve been a volunteer and trustee for a Wales-wide charity which supports families with children.

Throughout, I have demonstrated a firm commitment to reducing inequalities, but I recognise that national policy must meet the needs of all parts of the UK. The next Labour government must work in partnership with the devolved administrations in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland and with Labour in local government.

I seek your support alongside Chris Carter, Lilith Ferris and Jess Moultrie. We will work together to provide a positive voice for Welsh members
Rwyf wedi bod yn aelod o Lafur ers 1986 ac yn aelod o PLE Gorllewin Abertawe.
Rwy’n ceisio cael fy ailethol i’r FPC, ar ôl gwasanaethu ers 2022. Rwy’n falch o fod wedi gweithio ar ddatblygu maniffesto a all sicrhau buddugoliaeth i Lafur yn 2024. Dim ond y dechrau yw hynny. Rwyf am gyfrannu at ddatblygu polisi gyda Llafur mewn grym.

Gyda Llafur mewn grym, gallwn gyflawni ein nodau ar gyfer cymdeithas decach, fwy cyfartal.

Rwy’n dod â phrofiad gyrfa 40+ mlynedd mewn nyrsio cymunedol a thymor chwe blynedd fel cynghorydd dinas Rhydychen, lle bues i’n gwasanaethu fel chwip y grŵp ac yn eistedd ar amrywiol bwyllgorau a grwpiau craffu. Ers ymddeol, rydw i wedi bod yn wirfoddolwr ac yn ymddiriedolwr i elusen Cymru gyfan sy’n cefnogi teuluoedd gyda phlant.

Drwy’r cyfan, rwyf wedi dangos ymrwymiad cadarn i leihau anghydraddoldebau, ond rwy’n cydnabod bod yn rhaid i bolisi cenedlaethol ddiwallu anghenion pob rhan o’r DU. Rhaid i’r llywodraeth Lafur nesaf weithio mewn partneriaeth â’r gweinyddiaethau datganoledig yng Nghymru, yr Alban a Gogledd Iwerddon a chyda Llafur mewn llywodraeth leol.

Gofynnaf am eich cefnogaeth ochr yn ochr â Chris Carter, Lilith Ferris a Jess Moultrie. Byddwn yn gweithio gyda’n gilydd i roi llais cadarnhaol i aelodau Cymraeg.”

Zoe Allan

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

Having been elected to the NPF last time, I can report that at the full NPF meeting us reps are told that the first rule of the full NPF is, “You must NOT talk about the full NPF!”. Within the bounds of confidentiality then, I will say that myself and colleagues championed the socialist successes and the interests of Wales at every opportunity.

Universal Free School Meals for primary school children, scrapping Right To Buy to stop the depletion of council house stock and never having allowed the academisation of schools were just three of the bold Welsh Labour policies we raised as having helped our electoral success.

The need for a fair deal for Wales and an internationalist approach which promotes peace were also flagged up. Working with like-minded reps from across Britain, we made a positive impact and would be honoured to do the same again.

With the likelihood of a Labour government in Westminster getting closer by the day, it’s more important than ever to push for radical, yet common sense policies which both the membership and electorate want to see in action. Please also support Bethany Thomas (Youth), David Smith, Bel Loveluck-Edwards and Dawn McGuinness.

lillith fenris

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

“I was motivated to run for the NPF, having been on the receiving end of cruel and discriminatory Tory policies. Not least the dehumanising impact of Universal Credit on young people and the harm caused by their anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric.

I’ve campaigned across the UK, from my hometown of Llanelli in South Wales to Ribble Valley in Northern England. I am passionate about rebuilding the dignity and equality eroded by the Tories. As an elected town councillor in a deprived ward, I have actively volunteered for food banks, raised funds for charities and set up an LGBTQ+ support group. Working closely with colleagues and community partners, I have gone beyond traditional council duties to counter the impact of Tory policies.

Coming from a deprived Welsh community, my experience will prove invaluable for developing practical, sustainable, member-led policy. I will work alongside an elected Labour government in Westminster to implement comprehensive, compassionate policies that change lives. Collaboration with the devolved administrations and local government is vital – this will underpin my approach.

I seek your support alongside Chris Carter, Sian Taylor and Jess Moultrie. We will work together to provide a positive voice for Welsh members.”

Dawn McGuinness

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

Rwy’n sosialydd ymroddedig ac yn bleidleisiwr Llafur gydol oes. Cefais fy ysbrydoli i ymuno â’r blaid yn 2017 gan y neges o obaith am ddyfodol gwell, a oedd yn disgleirio drwodd yn y maniffesto hwnnw. Rwy’n aelod o’r undeb Unite. Rwyf wedi bod yn Drysorydd ar gyfer CLP Bangor Aberconwy ers 2019 ac wedi bod cynrychiolydd yng Nghynhadledd y DU a Chymru. Roeddwn yn falch o gael fy newis fel hymgeisydd ar gyfer Etholiad y Senedd 2021. Rwyf hefyd wedi bod yn aelod o’r SOC ers 2019.
Cefais fy ethol i’r NPF yn 2022 a gweithiais yn galed yn ystod Penwythnos yr NPF yn Nottingham i sicrhau bod ein maniffesto nesaf yr un mor ysbrydoledig i’r etholwyr yn yr Etholiad Cyffredinol nesaf. Mae angen inni sicrhau ei fod yn cynnwys polisïau a fydd yn amddiffyn y rhai mwyaf agored i niwed yn ein cymdeithas rhag y caledi y maent yn ei wynebu ar hyn o bryd oherwydd yr argyfwng costau byw, a buddsoddi yn ein gwasanaethau cyhoeddus a’u hailadeiladu, yn dilyn blynyddoedd o ddinistr o dan lymder y Torïaid. Byddwn yn gwerthfawrogi’r cyfle i barhau â’r gwaith hwn.
Cefnogwch hefyd Bethany Thomas (Ieuenctid), David Smith, Zoe Allan a Bel Loveluck-Edwards.

Charlotte Davies

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I joined Labour in 2020 at 16, entering a new era under Keir Starmer’s leadership. My grandparents in Barry are trade unionists to their core, influencing my values growing up as they cared for me while my parents worked. I spent 2021 canvassing day and night for Jane Hutt MS, and since then, I have been supporting fantastic Labour candidates in the Vale of Glamorgan, and in Ceredigion. Thanks to devolution, I have benefitted from Labour policies in Wales, such as free milk in key stage 1, free prescriptions, and a fair student maintenance grant.
As I celebrate my 21st birthday in 2024, the fact that the Tories have governed for two-thirds of my life is something I can tolerate no longer. This intensifies my resolve to be a strong voice advocating for policies that address the pressing issues facing my generation. I am determined to contribute to shaping policies that prioritize our needs and aspirations, in co-operation with Young Labour branches across Wales and the elected Chair of Welsh Young Labour. Together, we can ensure Labour’s commitment to positive change from Ceredigion to Cambridgeshire, instilling policies that reflect our values of fairness.

Bethany Thomas

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

Coming from a working-class family, I have been a dedicated carer for my disabled mother, navigating the challenges that come with it. As a gay, jewish and neurodivergent person, I am passionate about advocating for inclusivity and understanding within the Labour Party.
As the Vice President of Cardiff Labour Students and Disability Officer for Cardiff Young Labour, I actively contribute to fostering a diverse and representative political environment. My involvement extends to drafting motions for my university’s AGM, showcasing my ability to create and scrutinise policies. Additionally, I hold the position of a student senator, further emphasising my commitment to effective governance.
If elected, I am determined to contribute meaningfully to the NPF and push Wales’ interests forward. Drawing from my personal experiences, I will be a critical friend, ensuring that policies address the needs of those often overlooked. I am dedicated to championing policies like affordable housing, a new deal for working people, accessible higher education for all, and a strong, publicly funded NHS.
I urge you to nominate and vote for David Smith, Dawn McGuinness, Bel Loveluck-Edwards, and Zoe Allan for NPF, who also have the backing of Momentum and Welsh Labour Grassroots.

Teresa Beddis

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I have been on the NPF since 2018, serving on the economy commission. I have supported several CLPs – attending meetings and leading policy discussions. I attended almost every commission meeting (London and Zoom) including the full NPF last July.
I am a retired A Level and advisory teacher. My special interests include the economy, education, health, the environment and animal welfare.
I have approximately 25 years experience holding virtually every Branch and CLP position, Conference delegate and an election candidate at local and national level.
I have been a socialist all my life – committed to the many, not the few. I have used my time on the NPF to promote these values and if re-elected will continue to do so.
Our Party has unfortunately got it totally wrong on Gaza – refusing to call for an immediate ceasefire and the cessation of arms sales despite overwhelming public support as well as lacklustre condemnation of war crimes. We must use bodies like the NPF to restore trust in our communities and develop progressive policies at home and abroad.
Please nominate and support me plus the following CLGA candidates – Sachin Mathur, Syed Hussain and Niamh Illif – Youth position. Thankyou

Luke John Davies

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I first joined Labour the day after we lost in 2010 and I’ve been active ever since. I serve as the Chair of my CLP and a local Councillor in Smethwick in the Black Country, I’ve also sat on the National Executive Committee of the Fabian Society since 2017. In my everyday life I work in Health Policy for one of the medical Royal Colleges, so policy development is my bread and butter.
During the pandemic I worked on supporting our health worker’s welfare, in particular on mental health support to try to prevent incidents of PTSD amongst NHS staff. At my Council I have advocated strongly for accessibility to services for disabled people – I am myself disabled -and for co-operative housing models as a proud member of the Coop Party. I have led a brand new employee forum at work, putting some of Labour’s New Deal for Working People into practice whilst representing my colleagues as their Unison shop steward.
These experiences give me the expertise to help develop Labour’s policies not only to win power, but to make people’s lives better!
Please also vote for my colleagues Sid Khan, Cathy Parry, Kindy Sandhu and Talia Marie!

Lauren Davison

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I’m standing for W Mids NPF rep to ensure that our policy-making process is as pluralistic as possible.

No wing of the party has a monopoly on good ideas – and if we’re to fundamentally change the country for the better, we’ve got to put factionalism aside. If I’m elected, I will seek to build consensus, help empower members to have their voices heard and be approachable to all.

The West Midlands is key if we are to gain power – and we’ve got to ensure that members across the region are represented – from Stoke-on-Trent to Solihull to Staffordshire Moorlands.

Our region powered the country once – so we need to elect our fiercest advocates who’ll ensure we’re firmly around the table.

From supporting the strengthening of Trade Unions, boosting our manufacturing industries, safeguarding the climate and future-proofing our NHS, I want to play a pivotal role in shaping the policies of the next Labour Government.

It would be an honour to represent our region – I hope you will nominate me.

Syed Hussain

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I support a Labour Party that respects its members and empowers its grassroots. It’s crucial for Labour to showcase strong policies that prioritise social justice, public ownership, climate change, and tackle the growing issues of poverty and racism.
I have a background in public service, having held positions as mayor, county and borough councillor, and deputy leader of the opposition in Staffordshire.
On October 19, I publicly called for an immediate ceasefire, becoming the first mayor to do so in the Midlands. The racist abuse I’ve received since being elected has galvanised me in my determination to use the NPF as a platform to stamp out racism in our region and the UK. We must commit to mass investment in social housing and rent controls as well as an overhaul of regulations to tackle discrimination, along with youth clubs, properly funded local government, and decisive action on the cost of living. Most importantly, no child should go to bed without food.
I am proud to have received the endorsement of the Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance, Momentum, and CLPD. I urge you to nominate and vote for Teresa Beddis, Sachin Mathur, and Niamh Illif (youth position).

Sachin Mathur

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

On the National Policy Forum, I will be dedicated to a fairer, greener and more prosperous future for our region and the country.

As a proud advocate for the trade union and cooperative movements, I am firmly committed to economic justice and that means a fairer distribution of wealth and resources. My policy interests include bringing about a Green New Deal which advocates for renewable energy, sustainable infrastructure and environmental protection. Additionally, I will champion a New Deal for Working People, fighting for higher wages, robust workers’ rights and a strong social safety net, including support for trade unions and cooperatives. I will also promote Proportional Representation to ensure fair and inclusive electoral processes.

In these challenging times, I am committed to fostering collaboration and dialogue, working towards a better future for the West Midlands and contributing to a strong Labour government that delivers on policy which represents our shared values.

I am proud to be supported by Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance members such as Campaign for Labour Party Democracy and Momentum. I also urge you to nominate and vote for Teresa Beddis, Syed Hussain and Niamh Illif (Youth Position).

Trudie McGuinness

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

Nearly three decades ago I joined the Labour Party because I wanted to help build a better future for our country. My purpose in that remains steadfast and I want to ensure that as a Labour Party we are best positioned to win and maintain the trust of the nation in governing so that we create a fairer country and a better world.

Our policies are integral to our ability to do just that. Key issues of our age – climate crisis, the advent of AI as a potential social and economic disruptor, an ageing population, and the relentless growth in income disparity between the richest and the poorest – demand well considered and bold policy making. As a Labour Party I want us to be at the vanguard of solutions which bring greater equity, security, and support for those who need it.

As your representative to the NPF I shall promote democratic policy making by engaging with members from all CLPs across the West Midlands. As an NPF rep previously, I visited CLPs, held policy workshops and provided members with updates via emails and social media. I brought energy, inclusion and focus to the work and will do so again.

Cathy Parry

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I have dedicated my life to the labour movement. I have been an active member of the Labour Party for over 40 years and an active trade unionist since my first job in retail.

I worked for our party under Neil Kinnock, John Smith and Tony Blair and then worked for the ATL, (now part of NEU) one of the main teaching unions in the UK, delivering for members at every level.

I’ve been an active Branch, CLP and LGC Officer supporting and organising members and currently am a Branch Secretary and CLP Vice-Chair. I’ve run numerous election campaigns and have supported dozens of candidates as their election agent in both national and local elections.

I want to be involved in the National Policy Forum to help develop policies that we can deliver real change in our country. I know that we only win elections when we have the right policies. Policies that reflect our values and respond to the needs of people in our communities who have never needed a Labour government more.

Which is why I’m asking for your support, please also nominate Luke John Davies, Saheed Khan, and Kindy Sandhu.

Kalwinder Sandhu

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

In 2018, I was elected Councillor for Earlsdon, in Coventry, a ward considered “unwinnable”, ending 22 years of unbroken Tory wins. In 2022, I retained Earlsdon with 53% of the vote share. I increased my majority by over 700%, against the national swing.

As Cabinet Member for Education and Skills, I am fighting the Tories to stop them from stripping funding from our children’s education and tackle rising energy and inflationary costs. In 2023 I launched my vision for Coventry schools to be part of the UNESCO Schools Network at the Houses of Parliament with MPs, local councillors, schools and UNESCO in attendance.

I have a long-standing track record as a trade union activist. When I held a senior position at a telecommunications company, I maintained my trade union membership. With the union, I democratised pay awards arranged confidence-building training for women engineers and introduced flexible working for all.

Our entitlement to high-quality education and healthcare, decent housing, clean water, reliable transport, and a planet that survives is being eroded by the Tories. I believe the key to winning the next election is to engage with our communities on a daily/weekly basis, rebuilding faith in our party and in our ability to govern.
Please vote for Luke John Davies, Sid Khan, Cathy Parry and Talia Marie (Youth Rep).

Abdulmajid Almasri

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

While some may argue that school can be ineffective or even detrimental to children’s well-being due to factors such as rigid structures, standardized testing pressure, and limited focus on individualized learning styles and interests, it’s important to recognize that education plays a crucial role in providing foundational knowledge, socialization opportunities, and critical thinking skills necessary for navigating the world.

Jacob Dyke

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Candidate Statement

Niamh Iliff

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Candidate Statement

Grounded in grassroots organising with my local TUC, left-wing student groups, youth organisations, local campaigns, and my union branch, my priorities lie in amplifying the voices of working people and communities. Only through representing such groups at the base of the party can we ensure Labour’s policies remain dynamic and transformative

Serving as Trade Union Liaison Officer for West Midlands Young Labour, I’ve advocated for crucial issues across the region and created meaningful links between the party and unions, amplifying grassroots concerns. By giving a platform to and hearing young members, I’m dedicated to representing the future of our party as vital voices in policy making.

We must create a radical policy agenda that unites unionists, members, and activists which will uphold our progressive values and help shape a brighter, more equitable future together. Fighting for the delivery of a Green New Deal that unites these groups within our party and truly supports our communities in the future will be core to my addition to the NPF.

I am proud to be supported by the Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance and Momentum. I urge you to nominate and vote for Teresa Beddis, Syed Hussain, and Sachin Mathur.

Talia Marie

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I joined Labour in 2021, and since then, the tables have turned for the Tories, however, we must keep up the fight. Being an elected youth councillor for 2 years, I collaborated with many workers in the youth sector. There, I saw first-hand the positive impact that youth services have on young people, but also the cuts the Tories have made, which will only negatively impact young people both now and in the future. I’d push for Labour to put the younger generation on its priorities list.

I’m currently a student at Warwick University and a member of its Labour Party. I’d work hard to listen to the views of the youth in the West Midlands and continue to make politics accessible for all.

Labour winning the next General Election is non-negotiable. From tackling the climate crisis to the mental health crisis, the NPF will continue to push for a Labour manifesto with bold policies to make real positive changes that the everyday citizen will be able to experience. I was 5 when Labour was last in power, so Tory Britain is all my generation has really known, but we deserve better and must get it under Labour.

Siddhanth Sharma

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

My name is Siddhanth Sharma and I am a postgraduate alumnus from the University of Birmingham. I graduated in September 2023. I have achieved a MSc in Management.
I genuinely want to make a difference by giving back to society and work for social causes. When I was 17 years old, I achieved a certificate signed by the Prime Minister for a campaign I led based on Autism. I have worked as an active listener for 7 Cups to listen to people’s problems and I found many people suffer from depression, anxiety, homelessness and family issues. I have gone around my town talking and giving food and water to the homeless. I have worked as Regional Director for an American non-profit organisation called The Borgen Project which is trying to eradicate global poverty. I want to be a NPF CLP Youth representative for the West Midlands Region as I understand what this position requires. I’ve been a Labour Party member since 2018 and I’ve participated in many activities. Personally, the only gain I do have is to be part of something that helps improve the Labour Party and people’s lives to win more elections, which gives me great satisfaction.

Muhammad Ahsin

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

Salma Arif

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I am seeking your support to be one of your representatives on the National Policy Form.

I was born and raised in Harehills, Leeds. A deprived yet diverse part of the city. The sudden death of my father in 1997 meant my mother was left to raise five children alone. Fortunately for my family, we had the Labour government’s policies that protected us at our most vulnerable.

In 2016 I was elected to Leeds City Council with 79% of the vote. Within council I have held numerous roles, presently I am the Cabinet Member for ASC, Public Health & Active Lifestyles.
As a Councillor I first-hand witness the crippling impact of Tory austerity on our communities.

We have seen 14 years of widening inequalities, reliance on food banks rising, homelessness soaring and a marked increase in racism, xenophobia, and division.
Labour is on the brink of governing and I want to ensure members across the region are part of shaping our future policies. My record as an elected councillor, proficient doorstep campaigner and unifier of communities gives me the experience to represent you at the NPF.

Please also support Alice SMART, Lisa BAINES, Julia ROCKETT, and Lucy HULME (youth REP).

Jack Ballingham

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I’ve represented Yorkshire and Humber members on the National Policy Forum since 2022, and am now seeking your support to continue ensuring our region’s members are heard in our Party’s policy-making spaces.

I currently serve as treasurer of Selby CLP, and as a delegate to Leeds Local Government Committee. I want to help ensure that our Party has the platform it needs to win the imminent general election, and a strong plan for government afterwards. As a young person, I know the importance of bold, progressive policies in areas like education and housing, and will work to promote these at the NPF.

Over the last two years I’ve served as a member of the NPF’s foreign and defence policy commission, and attended the full meeting of the NPF at Nottingham last year. There I focused on a range of policy issues, such as the arms trade, voter ID, protest laws, asylum and further education. I was able to secure substantial policy changes in these areas which are now part of Labour’s platform.

I am proud to be backed by Momentum and the Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance (CLGA). Please also nominate and support Chris Saltmarsh, Sandra Wyman, and Corinne Furness.

Lisa Banes

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I am standing once again to be your NPF rep, a role I have held since 2018, to ensure that the voices of Yorkshire members are heard loud and clear around the tables where decisions are made within the party.

I have been an active Labour member since 2010, am Chair of my CLP, a member of Yorks REC and a former Councillor representing a deprived area of Sheffield, As a community worker I have witnessed first hand the damage done to our communities by the Tories, and I am standing in order to play my part in fixing the damage wrought by austerity under a future Labour Government which frankly can’t come soon enough.

As a low-paid single mother of two living in social housing, I am someone who is very underrepresented in our Party’s internal structures. It is important that voices like mine are present in decision making as someone the Labour Party exists to help – “nothing about us, without us”.

Barnsley born and raised, though living in Sheffield, I am very in touch with the needs of towns and rural communities which can be overlooked in decision-making, and I have and will continue to visit every CLP and University Labour Club which invites me to talk about policy, hear your views, and demystify the way that internal party structures work.

Please also support Arif, Rockett and Smart.

Ajantha Egodawatta (PhD)

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

My name is Ajantha (AJ) Egodawatta, live in York for over 10 years, Born and raised until mid-20s in a small town called Ratnapura in Sri Lanka, attended University of Moratuwa in Sri Lanka for the undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering. Then in 2003, received a scholarship from Glasgow Caledonian University to read for the PhD in Manufacturing Engineering. Then completing my PhD in 2007, I moved to industry to build my working career.

I have worked in various industries in various roles, a very brief list

Manufacturing Engineer Aerospace sector
Continuous improvement manger Aerospace and Oil & Gas
Manufacturing Engineer FMCG (Fast moving consumer goods)
Lean consultant Engineering / Fabrications
Lean consultant Railway Engineering
Quality Manager Manufacturing Oil & Gas
Manufacturing Engineer Modular Homes Building
Lecturer (University) UK and Sri Lanka
Lecturer (FE colleges) UK

Have setup and running my own small Import & Export and retail Business
Set up a small business offering affordable sports / wellbeing massage and physiotherapy
Travelled extensively
Volunteering, when possible, at a local charity providing a warm meal for people in need

Combining above all academic & practical experiences together with volunteering and global travelling, proves that there is a lot to offer to society.

Corinne Furness

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

Since accidentally becoming a branch rep at my first ever Labour party meeting I’ve held roles at CLP level for most of the last eight years – most recently as Chair of Leeds East CLP – and have represented members on the Leeds LGC. For more than a decade I worked in community arts, contributing policy research on everything from community-led high street regeneration to working class access to the arts and government-led arts policy.

From the council house I grew up in to the Education Maintenance Allowance I received in sixth form, I’ve had opportunities which have been enabled by Labour being bold in government. We can see the impact of the climate emergency, the housing crisis, the hostile environment, and austerity on our communities in Yorkshire. Only bold, progressive policies have the answers to the crises we face and we need NPF reps who will champion these policies.

I commit to representing the views of grassroots members, acting with transparency, and fighting for the policies which will help transform our communities.

I’m proud to be backed by Momentum and the Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance (CLGA). Please also nominate and vote for Chris Saltmarsh, Sandra Wyman, and Jack Ballingham.

Julia Rockett

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I’m an active Labour Party member, work for a Labour MP and campaign across the Yorkshire region as often as I can.

I’m standing for the NPF to give a voice to working class women like me and I know first-hand the struggles people have under the current Tory government. I’m a single mum of 4 claiming Universal Credit, living in rented accommodation and I remember how different things were under the last Labour government. The financial and practical support available was so much better, allowing families to get on and thrive – all swept away by the subsequent coalition and Tory governments.

I know the difference a Labour government will make to millions of people, and I would love the opportunity to help shape the policies that will change lives for the better.

Please also nominate Salma Arif, Lisa Banes, Alice Smart and Lucy Hulme.

Chris Saltmarsh

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I am standing as a candidate for the National Policy Forum in Yorkshire and The Humber to promote the transformative policy agenda that Labour needs to tackle the great crises of the twenty-first century when in government: climate, cost-of-living, health, international conflict, and beyond.

As a co-founder of Labour for a Green New Deal, I have experience of working with stakeholders throughout the party – members, trade unions, MPs, shadow ministers – to develop ambitious and popular policies to rapidly decarbonise, create good green jobs, invest in reindustrialisation, expand public ownership, re-empower trade unions, and protect public services.

Living in Sheffield, with its proud history of steel manufacturing, I believe that Yorkshire and The Humber can be at the heart of Labour’s efforts to tackle climate change while revitalising the UK’s industrial economy.

The upcoming Labour government is a historic opportunity and I will work within the NPF to ensure that we make the most of it with a socialist policy platform worthy of the uncertain times we are living through.

I am proud to be supported by Momentum and the Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance (CLGA). Please also nominate Jack Ballingham, Sandra Wyman, and Corinne Furness.

Sandra Wyman

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

As an older disabled woman living in inner city Leeds, I’m well aware of the difficulties faced by those affected by austerity. I first joined the Labour Party in the 1980s; currently I’m Leeds NE CLP Disability Officer and am a member of the national Disability Labour executive. I’ve also served as a member of Leeds LGC.

Pre-retirement I was Leeds NUT (now NEU) President and regional representative on a national equalities committee. I was also an LEA Equalities Officer. Recently I’ve worked on Unite Community campaigns against Ticket Office closures, Fuel Poverty and the Cost of Living crisis.

Living near one of Leeds’ poorest areas, I’m familiar with the damage to people’s lives caused by Tory austerity. Our priority is to elect a Labour government; equally we need transformative policies to support those affected by rogue landlords and vastly increased food and fuel prices so people can be healthier and happier.

I’m proud to be supported by Momentum and the Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance (CLGA). I support party democracy, will represent grassroots members and will report back.

Please also nominate Corinne Furness. Jack Ballingham, and Chris Saltmarsh.

Muhammad Ahsin

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Candidate Statement

Lucy Hulme

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Candidate Statement

I joined the Labour Party aged 15 and have found my political home, through a network of fantastic campaigners and advocates. Alongside this, for the past year I have been the chair of the British Youth Councils Votes at 16 Youth Action Group and the Women’s Representative for Sheffield Labour Students.

Featuring as a speaker at this years Labour Party Conference, my desire to push for genuine, ambitious youth led policy grew. I firmly believe that young members within the party deserve a place at the table, advocating for the issues that affect them and allowing for the implementation of effective and inclusive policy, that represents members across the UK.

Young members within the Labour Party are the mechanisms for change. I want to see political education amplified within academia, a youth-led green deal project and life skills training offered in the region. If young people are given the tools to thrive, their invaluable input will generate great change and better opportunities for future generations.

With a General Election approaching, the Youth members on the National Policy Forum must continue to push for legislation and innovative policy that reflects our direct requirements and demands. We can and will build a society that is reflective of the needs of young to people, enhancing lives and changing communities.

Women's Conference Arrangements Committee

Zoe Allan

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I joined the Party in 2015 and have held several roles in my CLP and delegate to National Women’s Conference. I’m currently a member of the National Policy Forum. I’ve been Chair of my Unite Community branch and have served on the Unite Wales Labour Liaison Committee.

As a disabled woman myself, I would champion accessibility, health and safety, and awareness of hidden disabilities. National Women’s Conference was opened up to many women when it had to go online and we must make it hybrid to continue to enable all women to contribute their varied insights in order to make policy for the many.

I’m an inclusive feminist. I know that women working together achieve great things because we network and support each other to work towards the best outcomes for all. Women are always at the sharp end of austerity policies and our voices are habitually ignored, making spaces such as National Women’s Conference essential, to give us that extra boost. It must return to being a two day, standalone event which will self-fund. If we build it, they will come!

Please also support Rathi Guhadasan and Jean Crocker.

Jean Crocker

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

On Women’s CAC since 2017, currently Vice-Chair, seeking re-election to
continue fighting for a Conference that is:
• Democratic
• Diverse
• Accessible
• Two-day
• Standalone
• Hybrid
With, at its heart, women speaking passionately for policies based in their life experience.
To support them, good early information for delegates / visitors, stalls, networking events, fringes with free space for CLPs.
I’ve worked with sisters through adversities. If re-elected I’ll constantly, reliably press for the best. I’ll listen and respond to members.
I’ve analysed motion rules, to promote fair, impartial Women’s CAC decisions; led on user-friendly motion-writing guidance – I’ll push for its availability to members.
In 2023 we achieved:
• six motion debates, not four – more CLPs were heard
• the Welcome Reception
• time for Women’s CAC to read all motions, to minimise rubber-stamping Party advice
• emphasis that delegates decide composite wording
• compositing meetings when more could attend
• findable website information

Gateshead Central and Whickham CLP: Women’s Branch Secretary, Branch Vice-Chair.
University and College Union: I campaigned from grassroots to NEC for the precariously employed; on Disabled Members’ Committee.

Please also support Zoe Allan and Rathi Guhadasan

Rathi Guhadasan

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I joined the Labour Party in 2015 and currently hold the role of CLP Secretary. I am also a Vice Chair of the Socialist Health Association, secretary of the SHA London branch and a member of Doctors in Unite. I’ve been a National Labour Party Conference delegate twice and National Women’s Conference delegate once. I am active in local campaigning and currently organising against proposed maternity and neonatal unit closures in NW London which would disproportionately impact Black and Asian women and their families and those from low-income backgrounds.

At National Women’s Conference last year, a diverse array of comrades debated motions ranging from women in the workplace to women’s health and violence against women and girls. However, many key issues, such as abortion rights did not reach the conference floor. We must return to a two-day, stand-alone conference with fringe events and additional debate time. This would enable women’s voices and issues to be better represented at National Conference and therefore in future policy. If elected, I will work to maximise inclusion and accessibility for the event.

I’m proud to be supported by Momentum and the Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance (CLGA). Please also support Zoe Allan and Jean Crocker.

Ghislaine Moutima

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

My name Ghislaine Moutima ; I’ m Labour party candidate nominated for the youngest and oldest people organisations we like to change we generation more powerful and comfortable and stronger for we country; Britain is we country here more powerful like the people that we need to vote Labour party candidate nominated for the everything best for your life changing.

Freya Nowell

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I am a (very!) new mum, life-long Labour supporter, trade union member, part-time carer, innovator (a bold claim I know, but I promise I can back it up!) and proud feminist. I have exceptional people and operations skills, gained from a long, first career stint at Waitrose. I have undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, both of which focused heavily on policy development and innovation. After struggling to find an entry-level job in politics, I worked for my undergraduate university, leading outreach work and events with local schools to support improved access to Higher Education, and particularly Russell Group universities. After this, I worked for a charity, training and supporting teachers and school leaders in some of the most promising (but financially deprived) schools across the country. I bit the bullet and trained as a teacher myself a few years ago and spent an interesting (but joyous!) couple of years full-time in the classroom 2019-21. I went back into the charity sector in ’21, in part as I wanted to try for a baby and, in December 2023… she arrived! I would be honoured to represent you all and help organise a conference that appeals to ALL of us busy, incredible superwomen!

Rebecca Pawley

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

As a dedicated campaigner, women’s officer and voluntary sector leader, I seek your nomination to join the Women’s Conference Arrangements Committee for 2024. The Labour Party has, and always will, lead the way for equal rights and equality for women. It was a female Labour MP, Harriet Harman, who designed and introduced the Equality Act that sought to bring fairness and equal opportunity to modern workplaces and at the same time, shone a light on the unfairness of the gender pay gap. We are the party of the Equal Pay Act and it was our party that supported women with the right to choose, Sure Start Centres and so much more. Despite these positive steps forward, much more needs to be done and we need more strong Labour women in Parliament to deliver. I wholeheartedly support Labour’s plans for the first Women & Equalities Minister, sitting at the heart of government, to ensure women are advocated for in all policy decisions. If elected to the Committee, I will take every opportunity to amplify the voices of all women across the party, including LGBT+, Black, Asian and ethnic minority, and disabled women. I hope that you will support my application. Thank you.

Sophie Rose-Cook

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I am fairly new to the labour party. So far I have only been able to deliver some leaflets and letters but labour needs more representation in all its areas, committees and processes and varied at that. I am female. I am a mum of four from a low/working class background and i am in my 30s. So i feel i would bring something new to proceedings. Anythings worth a try!.

Lynne Troughton

Membership Number


Candidate Statement

I am standing for Women’s conference WCAC with Louise Irvine. We will:

– Work to strengthen women’s position within the Party’s decision-making structures
– Defend women’s rights to single-sex exceptions and freedom of expression under the Equality Act 2010
– Challenge misogyny and homophobia and resolve conflicting rights using respectful debate
– Make sure women’s views and concerns are given the priority they deserve.

UN Special Rapporteur Reem Alsalam has described violence against women and girls in the UK as a national threat. She reports entrenched patriarchy at almost every level of society and a rise in misogyny that permeates the physical and online world, denying women the right to live in safety and free from fear and violence, despite a robust framework for promoting equality.

By ensuring women’s voices are amplified we will
– put the rights of all women at the fore of all decisions
– challenge attempts to silence or trivialise women’s concerns
– support all proposals that translate UK law and Labour policy into practical steps that improve women’s lives.

Governance professional, serving councillor, longstanding party activist, I have held numerous CLP and trade union positions. As a WCAC member I will rigorously apply the rules.