About Us
The Labour Party delivers for working people. Labour has changed Britain for the better, with achievements that have made a lasting difference to people’s lives across our country.
The Labour Party is a democratic, membership organisation. There are various ways you can get involved to campaign with Labour and deliver real change for Britain.
Constituency Labour Party (CLP)
Your CLP is your local party based on your constituency. It’s a hub of activity and community organising. Via your CLP, you can choose the members from your area to represent you at Annual Conference and you can help select your parliamentary candidate.
Branch Labour Party (BLP)
Many CLPs organise themselves into smaller units called branches which get to choose the local council candidates to represent your area.
The Labour Party was formed to give ordinary people a voice and improve lives. Over the last 100 years, Labour has built a proud history of achievements in power, and now Keir Starmer has set out five missions for the next Labour government.
As a Labour member, you’ll be a key part of our diverse movement of hundreds of thousands of people across Britain, dedicated to delivering a fairer, better society. You’ll also have a say in our policy and have the opportunity to vote in internal elections.
We’ll provide you with all the tools and resources to get involved in events and campaign days, to help elect Labour candidates. And if you want to, one day, you can even stand for election yourself as an official Labour Party candidate.
Labour history
Labour's Legacy
How past Labour governments built Britain's future

Our groups and networks
Our affiliated trade unions
Socialist Societies
Join Labour