Vote Labour on 4 July

Help us win


Portrait of Vaughn Gething

This is the moment we’ve been waiting for – the chance for the Labour Party to unleash Wales’ full potential.

A Welsh Labour Government, working with a Labour government in Westminster, led by Keir Starmer. We have to seize this opportunity. In the words of the poet Seamus Heaney, it is time to let hope and history rhyme.

This manifesto is our blueprint for change. For a better Wales, a fairer Wales. Guided by five key missions, we are ready to tackle the challenges ahead and seize the opportunities that await.

At the heart of our vision is an economy that works for everyone. The cost-of-living crisis has pushed many families to the edge. Rocketing mortgages, sky-high energy bills, and spiralling food costs, turning the weekly shop into an anxiety-inducing experience. That’s why Labour will deliver economic stability, to bring back growth and help make working people better off.

The Welsh Labour Government is already investing £100 million in Transforming Towns funding to rejuvenate Welsh towns and high streets, revitalising local economies and creating vibrant communities. By supporting working people to develop skills for the future, and working in partnership with a Labour government in Westminster, we will position Wales as a leader in the world economy. From economic hardship into shared prosperity.

Keir Starmer and Vaughan Gething walk side by side by a beach

Wales should be a global leader in the green energy revolution and Labour is committed to realising this potential. We will cut energy bills for good, saving families hundreds of pounds. Through establishing Great British Energy, we will create new, skilled jobs in green industries, rebuilding the strength of our industrial heartlands. Harnessing our natural resources for a sustainable future.

Our NHS is our most cherished institution. But, it deserves more than our love and admiration – it deserves careful modernisation and investment. Labour will ensure the NHS evolves to meet the demands of the future. We will train record numbers of doctors and nurses and protect free prescriptions for all. By delivering more services through GPs and pharmacies, we will speed up access to care and reduce hospital pressures. Opening a new medical school in North Wales will ensure we have the healthcare professionals we need. Healthcare that is accessible, efficient, and close to home.

Safety is a fundamental right, and Labour will work tirelessly to ensure our streets are secure. We will collaborate closely with the police to build public confidence. By deploying more neighbourhood police officers and PCSOs in Wales, we will crack down on antisocial behaviour. All forms of violence against women and girls will be tackled, building on the work of the Welsh Labour Government. And we will launch a new Border Security Command, to smash criminal boat gangs. Building trust, ensuring safety, and protecting our communities.

Labour believes in breaking down barriers that hold people back. We will extend our flagship childcare offer and provide free school meals to all primary school pupils. The Welsh Labour Government’s investment in the Welsh Young Person’s Guarantee and quality all-age apprenticeships will ensure no one is left behind.

We will expand free learning opportunities for the lowest-paid workers, boosting prospects and earnings. Through ending tax breaks for private schools, we will fund the recruitment of new teachers in key subjects.

Creating a society where everyone has the chance to succeed.

In Wales, it often takes the worst times to bring out the best in us. In adversity, we stand united, fighting for the impossible, supporting the underdog, and standing up for the oppressed. Now is the time to take a more ambitious step into our shared future. We must raise our sights and ask, Beth nesa? — What’s next for Wales?

This manifesto sets out how we aim to change Britain, build a brighter future for Wales, a future where young people feel hopeful and where our nation’s potential is fully realised.

Vaughan Gething

Leader of Welsh Labour