Vote Labour on 4 July

Help us win

Mission-driven government

Keir Starmer stood in a factory in front of two train carriages, looking to the right of the camera shot

Ending the Conservative chaos is vital, but turning the page with a new Westminster government is not in itself enough to tackle the deep-rooted challenges our country now faces. To rebuild Britain, we need to change how Britain is governed.

For too long, Britain has been held back by Conservative governments that, because they lack a relentless focus on long-term ends, are buffeted about by events. Politics has enormous potential to change lives for the better, but too often different parts of the government have pursued their own narrow goals rather than working together. We have frequently seen this Conservative Westminster Government actively seeking division and disunity across our country, relentlessly running down Wales and so many other parts of the UK.

Government is at its best when working in partnership with councils, business, trade unions, civil society, faith groups, and communities. As we mark the 25th anniversary of Welsh devolution – delivered by a Labour government – new partnerships based on trust and respect across our nations and regions are essential to the task of delivering change and serving the entire United Kingdom. But without a shared project those partnerships barely get off the ground. That means we must see an end to Westminster picking needless fights with the Welsh Labour Government and instead, a new partnership for prosperity.

So, as well as a new administration with new priorities, Britain needs a new approach: mission-driven government.

Mission-driven government means raising our sights as a nation and focusing on ambitious, measurable, long-term objectives that provide a driving sense of purpose for the country. It means a new way of doing government that is more joined up, pushes power out to communities and harnesses new technology, all with one aim in mind – to put the country back in the service of working people.

one built on good jobs so that incomes grow faster than outgoings.

to get cheaper bills, new high-paid jobs, and security from tyrants like Putin.

by investing in the NHS workforce of the future, with a new medical school in North Wales.

with more police officers and PCSOs in our communities.

with all under-25s guaranteed work, education, training, or self-employment.

Delivering the change Britain needs will require perseverance. The starting point for delivering these missions is to ensure the foundations of good government are right. Labour will make sure we have strong national security, secure borders, and economic stability. Building on these secure foundations, we have already set out the first steps for change. Today we present further policies in this manifesto, as part of the journey of rebuilding our country.