Labour WordPress Network Terms and Conditions
Find out more about the Labour WordPress Network here.
Updated March 2018
Thank you for being a Labour WordPress Network user.
To ensure our ability to comply with our legal and contractual responsibilities, we require all users to indicate their acceptance of the following terms and conditions of use.
If you have any questions, please email [email protected]
Please note that to be an administrator of a site on the Labour WordPress Network, you must accept these terms and conditions of use.
Please pay particular regard to the following points. Nothing in the terms and conditions should be read in any way as to remove the responsibility of you as the user to:
Not create or post any content which may be considered libelous or defamatory, or may give rise to any other civil or criminal liability (section 1.4)
Should any content that you create or post prove to be libelous or defamatory, or give rise to any other civil or criminal liability, that you as the user will wholly and singularly responsible for such a liability, to the exclusion of Labour Party staff, officers, or any other party outlined in section 1.6 other than yourself (section 1.4)
Not create or post any content to which you do not have explicit copyright (section 7.3)
Status, enforcement, and general
- By continuing to use the Labour WordPress Network, you agree that you have read, understood, and agreed to these terms and conditions in full, accept the obligations herein imposed on you, accept that this agreement will be governed by the law of England and Wales, and accept also that any failure by you to comply with the terms of use, or failure to fulfil the obligations they impose on you, is a form of unauthorized access to computer material, where that phrase has the meaning provided for in section 1 of the Computer Misuse Act 1990.
- You agree that the original intellectual property made available to you as a user of the Labour WordPress Network belongs to the Labour Party, or its suppliers, or both.
- You agree that no provision of these terms shall be interpreted or construed in any way so as to conflict with any piece of UK or European legislation, and should any individual provision or set of provisions herein be found to be unenforceable, then your agreement to all other provisions remains in force.
- You accept that your use of the Labour WordPress Network to enable you to place and manage content on any website hosted by the Labour WordPress Network constitutes agreement to indemnify in full the Labour Party, its staff, and its suppliers against liability for any content placed or action taken by you which is found to be in breach of those terms and conditions, or unlawful, or criminal, or which otherwise gives rise to legal liability.
- You accept and agree that your access to the Labour WordPress Network is at the absolute discretion of the Labour Party and may be withdrawn at any time.
- As a user of the Labour WordPress Network you accept that it is incumbent upon you to familiarize yourself with the eight principles of data protection (schedule 1 to the Data Protection Act 1998), to comply with them at all times, and to keep yourself informed about changes to UK and European legislation concerning direct marketing, electronic communication, and data protection, and that from May 2018 onwards it is your responsibility to comply with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation, and the Data Protection Act 2018.
- You accept that the Labour Party may at any time vary these terms of use and obligations without notice, and that you will be required to accept the new terms should you wish to continue using the Labour WordPress Network.
- You will at no time and for no purpose disclose to any person, or publish via any medium, any personal information, sensitive or otherwise, to which you have access through (or by virtue of your access to) the Labour WordPress Network, whether such data is anonymized or not, save where such disclosure is needed for the electoral purposes of the Labour Party (for example, for a strategy discussion in your local campaign forum), or (ii) compliance with a court order or warrant; and you agree that should you be in any doubt as to whether a proposed purpose of disclosure falls within those provisions, you will seek the express prior written authorization of the proper officers of the Labour Party nationally before making any such disclosure.
- You will at no time and for no purpose transfer any data held in the Labour WordPress Network outside the area consisting of the United Kingdom and the European Economic Area, save with the express prior written authorization of the proper officers of the Labour Party nationally.
- You will at no time and for no purpose disclose to any person any confidential Labour Party information (for example, campaign performance statistics, financial information, or any aspect of campaign spending), to which you have access via the Labour WordPress Network, save where such disclosure is needed for (i) the electoral purposes of the Labour Party, or (ii) compliance with a court order or warrant.
- You agree that should you be found to be in breach of these terms your access may be revoked at once, that you may face disciplinary action, and that the Labour Party reserves at all times its right to take such further action as it may deem appropriate against those who misuse its systems, or whose conduct in breach of these obligations brings our Party into disrepute.
Physical security
- You will ensure that you, and staff, contractors, suppliers, and volunteers who are working under your direction in respect of any access details or personal data to which you have access through the Labour WordPress Network, will take appropriate technical and organisational measures against unauthorized or unlawful processing of such data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, access details or personal data, and that in any contractual arrangements you make for the transfer of personal data you shall include a provision to the same effect as this provision.
- You will ensure that you keep your password secure and you will never share your password with any person under any circumstances. You agree that if it becomes clear to Labour Party staff that you have shared your password with any person or organization then they should terminate your access immediately.
- You agree to take all reasonable steps to protect the security of your account, including logging out when you have finished using the site, logging out or locking your device when it may be left unattended, using a strong password and not recording your password in a form that may be accessed by others.
Responsibility for accuracy of regulated period financial controls and reporting the use of the Labour WordPress Network
- If you use the functionality within the Labour WordPress Network during regulated periods, then you agree and accept that you will draw the attention of the agent to the candidate to these terms and conditions before asking or causing any spend to be incurred in that period.
Proprietary content and intellectual property
- You agree that you will not place screenshots, manuals, or any technical or user guidance to which you have access for any Labour Party campaign technology system, including the Labour WordPress Network, in the public domain (including on social media sites, regardless of privacy settings), without explicit prior written authorisation from the proper officers of the Labour Party nationally.
- You agree that you will not send screenshots, manuals, or any technical or user guidance to which you have access for any Labour Party campaign technology system, including the Labour WordPress Network, to any person who is not a member of the Labour Party (unless they are a volunteer or staff member assisting, and at all times under the supervision of, a member of the Labour Party), without explicit prior written authorisation from the proper officers of the Labour Party nationally.
- You agree that you will not demonstrate Labour Party campaign technology systems, including the Labour WordPress Network, to any person who is not a Labour Party member (or a volunteer or staff member assisting, and under the supervision of, a member of the Labour Party), without explicit prior written authorization from the proper officers of the Labour Party nationally.
- You agree that you will not engage any company, organization, or consultant to work with you or your local party on your campaign, in a commercial or any other contractual relationship, in a capacity which would involve them having access to any of the intellectual property constituted by the system or any of the personal data within the Labour Party WordPress Network without explicit prior written authorization from the proper officers of the Labour Party nationally.
- You agree that if you propose to enter into any such agreement, regardless of its commercial value, then you must contact the Labour Party’s head office before concluding it, to request model clauses which must be included and agreed in that contract and which protect both the Labour Party’s intellectual property, the intellectual property of our suppliers which we use under licence, and the personal data for which the Labour Party nationally is data controller.
Images, text, and copyright
- You agree that you will not upload images or enter text into any field on the Labour WordPress Network which are (or are likely to be interpreted as being) unlawful, immoral, threatening, abusive, libellous, harassing, blasphemous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, profane, or otherwise objectionable, including without limitation any material constituting or encouraging conduct that would constitute a criminal offence, give rise to civil liability, breach any law or regulation, or be otherwise prejudicial to the friendly and orderly conduct of Labour Party campaigning.
- You agree that you will not seek to insert into image or text fields, or otherwise execute any process in any place, which is intended to disrupt the proper functioning of the software, including without limitation any virus, Trojan horse, worm, timebomb or other similar harmful programming routine.
- You agree that you will not upload images for use in your website through the Labour WordPress Network) unless:
- there is no copyright in the image; or
- you are the copyright holder for the image, and by uploading, you accept that in doing so you grant a permanent non-exclusive licence to the Labour Party to use that image for any campaigning purpose; or
- you are not the copyright holder for the image, but the copyright holder for the image has signified in writing that they are content to grant a permanent non-exclusive licence to the Labour Party to use that image for campaigning purposes (if they require that copyright is acknowledged where the image is reproduced, then you must comply with that requirement and ensure that the responsibility is fully discharged); or
- you are not the copyright holder for the image, but the Labour Party is entitled to use that image by virtue of the licence under which it is made available (for example, a Creative Commons or Open Government Licence), provided that you ensure such usage complies with the terms of the licence and that any required copyright attribution statements are adequately and correctly made.
- You agree that you will not deliberately or through negligence edit images uploaded by yourself or other users in such a way as would invalidate Labour’s permission or licence to use that image.
Excluded and suspended members
- You agree that should you have your membership of the Labour Party terminated for any reason, then your access to Labour Party technology will also be revoked.
- You agree that should you have your membership of the Labour Party suspended, or should you be placed on an administrative suspension, then your access to Labour Party technology will also be suspended.
- You agree that should any suspension be subsequently lifted, then you will not automatically have your previous access to the Labour WordPress Network reinstated, and that you will need to go through the appropriate authorization process again to have any access reinstated.
User & access management
- You agree that in the event that there is a prolonged period in which you do not log in to the Labour WordPress Network, the Labour Party may, in seeking to balance its obligations to ensure the security of the data it holds with its wish to enable access to our systems locally, deactivate your access after 120 days of inactivity so as to reduce the number of active accounts on the system and therefore the risk from hackers and others of nefarious or malign intent.
- You agree that in the event that there is a prolonged period in which your site on the Labour WordPress Network is not maintained, the Labour Party may, at its discretion deactivate or permanently delete your site.
Advice and support
- The Labour Party is keen to ensure you get the best out of our the systems and campaign technology which we provide for our members and should you require advice or support, you should at all times contact our dedicated support services. You can reach our campaign technology helpdesk on 0345 092 2299 (option 3), which has extended opening hours at election time, or by email to [email protected]. If you have queries about access to the Labour WordPress Network, or the administration thereof, you should contact [email protected], and should you have any legal or compliance queries, you should contact the Governance & Legal team on 020 7783 1498, or by email to [email protected].
- You agree that should you seek advice from any source other than the WordPress Foundation and act on it without also seeking advice from the Labour Party, you will not hold the Labour Party or its suppliers responsible for any consequence arising from either deciding either not to seek advice and guidance from the Labour Party, or to ignore such advice as is provided.