Internal Ballots – 2025
Please see the details of each position being elected below as well as the internal ballot timetable.
To put your name forward and submit a statement for any of these positions or submit a nomination on behalf of a CLP or affiliated organisation please submit via the Party’s Democracy Portal.
Please note that only CLP Secretaries or Chairs will be able to submit a nomination on behalf of their CLP or relevant equalities branch.
Please also find below, links to the Internal Election Code of Conduct
National Executive Committee (NEC)
The NEC is the National Executive Committee of the Labour Party. The primary purpose of the NEC is to provide strategic direction for the Party as a whole and to work in partnership with the Party’s representatives in Parliament, the devolved administrations and local government to secure the Party’s objectives across the country.
Trade Union Representatives (Division I)
There thirteen position to be elected in this section, at least six must be women
- must have at least 12 months continuous membership.
- nominated by their own affiliated trade union. Other nominations will be treated as supporting nominations.
- elected by all trade union delegates to Conference.
- 2 year term.
Socialist Society Representative (Division II)
There is one position to be elected in this section
- must have at least 12 months continuous membership.
- nominated by their own affiliated socialist society. Other nominations will be treated as supporting nominations
- elected by all socialist society delegates to Conference.
- 2 year term.
Conference Arrangements Committee (CAC)
The CAC is responsible for running our Annual Conference. The committee meets throughout the year ensuring that Annual Conference not only meets its constitutional requirements but is also an enjoyable and welcoming event for all.
CAC General Section
There are five positions to be elected in this section, at least two must be women.
- must have at least 12 months continuous membership.
- nominated by at least five CLPs or one affiliated organisation.
- elected by all delegations to Conference.
- 2 year term.
CAC CLP Representatives
There are two positions to be elected in this section, at least one must be a woman.
- must have at least 12 months continuous membership.
- nominated by at least five CLPs.
- elected by CLP delegations to Conference.
- 2 year term
CAC Disabled Members Representative
There is one position to be elected in this section
- must have at least 12 months continuous membership.
- have self-identified as disabled with the Party by the close of nominations
- nominated by at least five CLPs or one affiliated organisation.
- elected by all delegations to Conference.
- 2 year term
National Constitutional Committee (NCC)
The NCC overseas the disciplinary process within the party, determining cases put to them by the NEC. This important committee is made up of 25 members in total that is split into three sections.
NCC Division I – Trade Unions
There are five members to be elected to this section, one must be a woman
- must have at least 12 months continuous membership.
- nominated by at least one trade union. Other nominations will be treated as supporting nominations
- elected by trade union delegations to Conference.
- 3 year term.
NCC Division III – CLPs
There are three members to be elected to this section.
- must have at least 12 months continuous membership.
- nominated by at least five CLPs.
- elected by CLP delegations to Conference.
- 3 year term.
National Women’s Committee
The National Women’s Committee leads on political work relating to women members, organises women members, builds the Labour Party amongst women across the country and strengthens the voice and presence of women throughout the Labour Party.
NWC CLP Section
There are six members to be elected to this section.
- must have at least 12 months continuous membership.
- nominated by at least five Women’s Branches or CLPs (where a Women’s Branch doesnt exist)
- elected by CLP delegations to Labour Party Women’s Conference
- 2 year term.
NWC Trade Union Section
There are six members to be elected to this section.
- must have at least 12 months continuous membership.
- nominated by at least one affiliated trade union.
- elected by trade union delegations to Labour Party Women’s Conference
- 2 year term.
NWC Socialist Societies Representative
There is one member elected to this section
- must have at least 12 months continuous membership.
- nominated by at least one affiliated socialist society.
- elected by socialist society delegations to Labour Party Women’s Conference
- 2 year term.
NWC Local Government Representative
There is one member elected to this section
- must have at least 12 months continuous membership.
- nominated by at least three Labour Groups
- elected by all women members of the Association of Labour Councillors
- 2 year term.
The below timetable is for the NEC, CAC and NCC and National Women’s Committee
Date | Event |
Friday 24 January 2025 | CLP Nominations Open |
12 noon, Friday 28 March 2025 | Closing date for candidate statements |
12 noon, Friday 27 June 2025 | Nominations Deadline |
Saturday 27 September 2025 | Labour Party Women’s Conference 2023 |
Sunday 28 September 2025 – Wednesday 1 October 2025 | Annual Conference 2025 |
Current Nominations
Candidate Statements