Postal votes for General Election 2024: Register online, deadlines, how to vote if you’re on holiday and everything else you need to know

Graphic with red background and Union Jack on right hand side reading: Registering for a postal vote is quick and easy online – here’s all you need to know

Postal voting allows a person to vote without actually having to go to the polling station.

This is particularly good for students, people who work away, who have holidays planned or just those that might find it hard to get to the polling station on election day.

With the 2024 General Election taking place on Thursday July 4, many people are likely to be affected by planned holidays and university term breaks. 

It’s worth planning ahead now and registering for a postal vote today if you’re unsure where you’ll be on election day.

This election is a choice between a weak and failing Conservative Party under Rishi Sunak, who have overseen 14 years of chaos and decline, and a changed Labour Party with Keir Starmer and a plan to change Britain.

Every vote will count – and making sure you have a postal vote could be the safest way to ensure that your voice is heard. 

It’s time for change. But change will only come if you vote for it.

Can I still vote if I’m on holiday on election day?

Yes! You can register for a postal vote for any reason, and it only takes a few minutes to sort out.

Where will my vote be if I’m a student?

You can be registered to vote in more than one place – but you can only cast one ballot in a general election. The safest bet is to register where you’d like to vote and get a postal vote if you’re not sure where you’ll be on polling day.

How do I register for a postal vote? Can I get a postal vote online?

If you are likely to be away from home on polling day, or would like to vote by post, you can apply for a postal voteonline or with a paper form.

To register, you will need to supply your address, your National Insurance number or passport number, and a photo of your handwritten signature.

Get registered!

We can help you at every step of the way, so you can be sure your vote will make change happen. Pop in your details below and we’ll be in touch within 24 hours with all the resources you need to register to vote, get a postal vote (if you want) and use your vote.
You can manage your preferences or unsubscribe at any time. We may use the information you provide, such as name and postcode, to match the data provided to your electoral register record held on our electoral database, which could inform future communications you receive from us. We may use your answers to help us campaign better. If signing up for an event, we may still use the details provided to contact you specifically about that event. If you would like to know more about how we use your information visit

What is the deadline to register for a postal vote?

You will need to register to vote by 5pm on Wednesday 19 June to vote by post in the 2024 General Election.

Who can register for a postal vote?

Anyone eligible to vote in the 2024 General Election can apply for a postal vote.

What should I do if my postal vote doesn’t arrive?

Postal votes will usually start to arrive a couple of weeks before polling day. It can only be sent to your address on the electoral register where you intend to vote.

If your postal vote doesn’t arrive, you can get a replacement postal vote ballot from four working days before the election – Friday 28 June – until 5pm on polling day itself. You must apply for this in person at your local council services office. Contact your local council for more detail.

When do I need to post my postal vote by?

Your postal vote must have arrived to the elections team at your local council by 10pm on polling day to be counted. We recommend completing and sending off your postal vote as soon as possible after it has arrived.

What is the deadline for applying for a proxy vote?

The deadline for applying for a proxy vote in the 2024 General Election is 5pm on Wednesday 26 June.

How do I register to vote?

We have an easy guide answering all your questions on how to register to vote in the 2024 General Election – but if want to skip ahead and register straightaway, you can do it in five minutes here.

Postal votes campaigning

For Labour Party campaigners, see our resources on how best to incorporate postal votes into your local campaign.