Upcoming online training sessions
Take a look at the different live online training sessions for different members and volunteers below.
Recordings of these sessions and accompanying resources can be found on the Webinar Library on Achieve at https://achieve.labour.org.uk/course/view.php?id=54.
These sessions complement the online training at achieve.labour.org.uk.
Welcome to the Labour Party
New to the Party or keen to get more involved? Join this session and we’ll explain how the Party works, what it stands for and all the ways you can get involved.
Get involved in campaigning
Thursday 19 September, 6pm – Sign up
New to the Party or keen to get more involved? This session will go through how the Labour Party develops policy, and the opportunities for you to get involved and have your say.
Get involved in shaping policy
Thursday 17 October, 6pm – Sign up
New to the Party or keen to get more involved? This session will go through how the Labour Party develops policy, and the opportunities for you to get involved and have your say.
Get involved in your local Labour Party
Thursday 14 November, 6pm – Sign up
New to the Party or keen to get more involved? This session will go through how the Labour Party works locally, and the opportunities for you to get involved and play your part.