Members Area

In the Members Area you’ll find everything you need to support Labour as a member – from managing your membership, to campaigning tools and resources for helping run your local party.

Your Membership FAQs

There are a lot of acronyms or phrases you might hear from other Labour members. Here is a guide to some of the jargon you might hear, and what it means.

Volunteers are at the heart of our election campaigns. Where Labour is in power, whether it’s MPs, MSPs, MSs or councillors, it is down to the hard work of supporters.

Every conversation with a voter on the doorstep, every leaflet delivered, and every phone call made boosts Labour’s chances of winning. We help new volunteers on every step of their journey – and you can help deliver a Labour government.

Tell us how you can help us build a better Britain.


Welcome to the Labour Party! Your membership pack will be on its way to you, including your membership card and details on contacting your local party. Sign up to MyLabour, and find out more about the Party and how you can get involved at our online learning platform Achieve.

Every member can play a role in shaping Labour Party policy, starting with your local party. Local parties often hold policy discussions at meetings, where you can debate the topic of the day, and the ideas you create can be submitted to the party for further discussion. As a member you can also help shape party policy through the National Policy Forum and Annual Conference. Find out more with our ‘Get involved in making policy’ course on Achieve.

As well as the overarching national parties, everyone who joins automatically becomes a member of their local Labour Party.

By logging in to Labour Hub, you’ll see the details of your local party and events near you. So whether you’re looking to get involved in local activity, keen to find out how to stand for one of the many roles in your local party or want to find out who your local MP or candidate is, you’re in the right place.

Find out who your local MP or candidate is, what events are happening near you, and what roles exist in your local party.


If you’d like to remain a Labour Party member but need to renew, please let us know that you’d like to renew here.

You can update your Labour Party membership details by logging into the Labour Hub. You can change information including your current address, contact details and your preferred ways to campaign.

We run webinars and in-person events to help Labour activists develop their skills, and learn more about how to campaign, develop policy and help run your local party, as well as hosting an archive of past sessions and full educational courses across a variety of topics.

Achieve is Labour’s online learning hub, with educational courses available on a variety of subjects relating to how the party works, our history and campaigning.

Our training sessions take place both online and in-person. You can see our upcoming sessions and sign up here to attend.

If you have any questions about donations, please get in touch.

A donation in memory gives a lasting legacy to a loved one. It’s a special and positive gesture that remembers not only their life but their commitment to the Labour Party in a meaningful way.

You can give a single donation, either from you or perhaps from a funeral collection, or a regular gift to commemorate and help your loved one’s memory live on.

You can make a one-off or regular donation here, or download a donation form to fill in here.


Our Rose Network is a nationwide network of like-minded Labour supporters committed to returning a Labour Government through regular generous donations. Members of Labour’s Rose Network, formerly the Thousand Club, have over the years collectively donated tens of millions of pounds to the Labour Party.

The Labour Party’s gifts-in-wills campaign is called the Future Fund and helps ensure the future financial health of the party.

You’ll have heard it before, but every little really does help! Each pound we raise makes a difference, and over time small amounts add up and power us to do amazing work.

Just £5 a month – little more than one pound a week – over the course of a full five year election cycle could provide a local party with a new computer, or single-handedly cover a constituency in Vote Labour posters on polling day.

Regular donations are hugely important and make an ongoing difference to our movement. They allow the party to plan and invest in innovative, winning campaigns.

Can you make a monthly investment in Labour’s campaigns? Set up a new monthly donation by direct debit – it’ll only take two minutes and all you’ll need are your bank details. Set up a regular donation now.


The Labour Party is powered by the dedication, campaigning, and generosity of people from every part of Britain.

That engagement and those donations become the leaflets, the adverts, the training of activists, the campaigning events, and the technologies and tools to reach more voters and put Labour values into action. Donations are vital for getting Labour into power.


Every year, there are elections within the Labour Party for positions such as members’ representatives on the National Executive Committee and Conference Arrangements Committee. You can find out more about the ballots and nominations for internal elections here.

The People Like Me programme will identify, support, train and coach members who are Black, Asian or from another ethnic minority with the aim of supporting them to stand in local elections in 2024 and 2025, and hopefully getting elected as Labour Councillors. It will also provide networking opportunities across the organisation for these candidates.

There are thousands of Labour councillors across Britain, putting Labour values into action on a local level. Learn more about becoming a Labour council candidate here.

All parliamentary seats that do not have a sitting Labour Member of Parliament will go through an open selection process between general elections. You can find information on current parliamentary selections and how to apply here.

All Labour candidates, from parliamentary to borough council elections, will go through a selection process. Anyone who has been a Labour member for more than 12 months is eligible to put themselves forward to be a candidate.

There are also a number of positions within the Labour Party that are subject to election by Labour members and are open to Labour members to stand for.

Every person is entitled to feel safe from harm and prejudice.